Levy County new radios

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Levy County Sheriff's Office receives State of the the Art Radios through Federal Grant Program. In 2011, 13 Florida Counties combined and applied for the Regional Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF) Public Safety Communications grant worth $3,683,474.00. Alachua County Sheriff 's Office was the administrator of this grant representing the counties. Lt Scott Finnen represented Levy County and managed our portion of this grant application.
On August 4, 2011, Alachua County was notified they had been awarded the grant. This notification came from the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management. The purpose of this grant was to purchase the new P25 federal interoperability standard 700-800 MHz radios. Levy County's portion of this grant totaled $178,500.00. This value is the equivalent to 47 radios at approximately $3,795.00 each. This grant award represents the fi rst major investment in our countywide radio system since conversion to the State system in 2007. Th is was at NO COST to the citizens of Levy County.
The new Harris XG-75 radios are state of the art and will have compatibility to talk to all surrounding agencies once fully programmed. The radios will be used for communication interoperability in emergency and natural disaster situations, adding to the cohesiveness of all county operations.
The radios will be distributed through the county emergency services including: Williston Police Dept., Inglis Police Dept., Cedar Key Police Dept., Chiefl and Police Dept., Public Safety Director Knowles representing Fire and Rescue for Levy County, and the Division of Emergency Management.
In these tight economic times, Levy County Sheriff 's Office is constantly searching for new, innovative ways to increase the effectiveness of Public Safety for the citizens of Levy County. Grants are one of the ways we save our citizens money and bring new technology to better serve our public.
—submitted by Lt. Scott Tummond, Criminal Investigation Divisison

(please credit Levy County Journal for this article)


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
Apparently from this article the good citizens of Levy County Florida do not pay Federal taxes.
It says that there was no cost to the citizens. This is about as stupid as I want the government to give me something.
Taxpayers pay for the government the rest are sponges off the working taxpayers.
It's not free nor should they be giving out grants. It costs to provide these grants. If the agency wants some toys let the local taxpayers pay for it. Stop collecting our money and redistributing a portion of it.
Not a political rant but a rant about "free" radios.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
This is why socialism is never a long-term proposition. Eventually, it runs out of opther people's money.
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