I am, by no stretch of any imagination, an expert on
neither lightning nor electronics. This subject has been
argued by techies for many years and it opens the air for
many arguments, theories, and questions.
One such theory came from an instructor at a class I took back
in the 90's. It goes like this: You will never see an electrician working
on an electrical box in bare feet standing on concrete. Why? Because
he would be "grounded". If he were to touch a hot line he would obviously
be electrocuted. However, if he were wearing rubber soled shoes he would
be fine. Why? Because he was "isolated" from ground.
So the question is: Should we ground or should we isolate from ground?
Good question. In "theory" if you don't ground then lightning can't strike
because it needs positive AND negative. It would simply look for the next nearest
ground point. I personally don't trust that theory.
If we believe in what the government tells us then we
also believe that all electricity flows from negative to positive. That means
lightning starts from a ground reference and goes up. What we see is an
optical illusion. That lightning comes from the sky and to the ground.
I'm a parent and grandparent so "reverse psychology" is 2nd nature to me.
I'm not so sure that I buy into that instructor's "reverse theory". I feel much
better having a good ground in place. Grounding my equipment and my antennas
is NOT going to necessarily stop lightning from hitting, but if it is to be hit, then
grounding is just a way of directing that nasty traffic into the ground and not into
my house / shack and equipment. Not only that, but I often rely on the two 500'
towers for a local radio station (that are located about 400 yards from my house)
to take the strike rather than me.
I think that the bulk of your money is better spent in surge protection combined
with grounding. Just opinion.