BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Long time BCD436HP owner, but still completely dumbfounded by it

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Aug 23, 2014
Hi Folks,

I'm having an incredibly frustrating experience attempting to figure out the BCD436HP. Already owned this scanner for just over three years, but still don't have the slightest clue how I should really be operating it. I'll play around with it from several days to a few weeks, trying to get a feel for the thing and end up just getting even more frustrated with it, put it aside for a few months before getting it out and trying again. I've read numerous posts here in the forum over the months and years, watched various videos on YouTube, tried the Sentinel and ProScan software packages and read Mark's so-called "Easier to Read" manuals (436 and Sentinel), but still incredibly lost. In fact, I'm no closer in understanding this scanner now then I was when I first received it in 2018. I've been using scanners since the early 80s and until I purchased the BCD436HP, considered myself somewhat well-versed in scanner operations. If I had known this particular scanner was going to be so unintuitive and user-unfriendly, I would have just returned it when I had the opportunity. But now that I'm stuck with it, I'd like to finally be able to use it in the way that it's intended.

I guess I'm mostly having trouble trying to wrap my head around the various favorites lists and quick keys and how I should start setting them up.

For instance, if I would like to setup the scanner for use when taking a road trip, how do I easily switch from one location to another and from one type of service to another? Is that what different favorite lists would be for or different quick keys or what exactly? Like if I'm actively driving on the interstates, I'd probably want to typically listen to various state police agencies and perhaps state transportation departments. However, after arriving at my destination and sitting in a hotel room, I might enjoy listening to the local police, sheriff, and fire departments and maybe a local airport. I just don't seem to be able to determine how I should set all that up. What I have been doing up until now is making a simple list from Sentinel and writing it to the scanner and then creating a new listing and writing it to the scanner when it's time to go to a new destination. Of course this always requires me to drag along the laptop whenever I go somewhere and in most instances wouldn't have been needed if not for the necessity of writing a new list to the scanner. There's obviously a better way.

Regarding the favorites listings, would I be better off creating a listing by states or by agencies? As an example, if I make a favorites list for individual states, I might have the following:

State police
Highway department
County sheriff
City police
City fire
Local airport

Would I then select the quick keys to turn on or off the various agencies depending on my immediate location? IE: If on interstate, turn off everything except state police and highway department and if at destination, keep everything on except state police and highway department?

If someone might be able to explain in very, very simple terms, I'd certainly appreciate it. Or perhaps direct me to a site or existing post I most likely missed that might be similar to what I'm asking. It's truly embarrassing to be so stupid about this scanner, but I've finally come to terms with knowing that I'm getting absolutely nowhere with it.

Thanks All!


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Normally people would just say read radio reference and the tremendous amount of information explaining all of your issues. The easier to read manual is the answer, yet you have done all that and still are just as lost as ever.

Not even going to ask what systems you're trying to hear. I normally would not recommend having a vendor program your radio. Most people feel that it's not worth it as it is so easy to do it yourself but in your case you should be able to enjoy your radio after 3 years.

It's ironic, I made a post last week knocking having vendors program your radio and it was censored and removed LOL but in your case it might be a viable option.

Contact ScannerMaster and speak with them about their programming service. It's expensive but they will program the counties that you want and you can explain how you would like your radio programed, pay the fee and then you will be able to just turn the radio on and it'll have your local services on it and you can enjoy your radio as intended.

Again this is a recommendation that I would never normally make but in this case, it's time to start using your radio and enjoying the hobby.

People will disagree with this and perhaps they will be able to help you get set up. Lots of good people here that have patience and experience that may be able to get you up and running. Good luck.


LMR Explorer
Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2006
Philly burbs 🇺🇸
For instance, if I would like to setup the scanner for use when taking a road trip, how do I easily switch from one location to another and from one type of service to another? Like if I'm actively driving on the interstates, I'd probably want to typically listen to various state police agencies and perhaps state transportation departments.
GPS. Purchase it here and see basic steps how to use it here


Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA
Hi Folks,

For instance, if I would like to setup the scanner for use when taking a road trip, how do I easily switch from one location to another and from one type of service to another? Is that what different favorite lists would be for or different quick keys or what exactly?

A: Get a GPS - then it will switch favorites / quick keys automatically. (Answer = yes)

The location data (GPS) is already in RR/Sentinel. Using location control on your favorite lists / systems / depts will give you exactly what you want.

Note: many of us were frustrated at first. But, once you understand how stuff works, it isn't hard at all. Take the time to understand the hierarchy of a favorite / system / dept / site and in no time, a light will go on and you will 'get it'.

Then, you can delve into rectangles..... A whole new level of precision when it comes to the radio automatically switching as you cross a state/county/city (even reservation) border.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
Honestly, I never bothered with the Quick Keys for anything below the Favorite List level. In earlier versions of my Sentinel file for my 536, I certainly tried. But I found that I'd then need to develop an index for all the Quick Keys so I wouldn't get lost. My FL's are keyed to enable selective listening based on how my FL's are arranged. I find the use of Site, System, Department, and Channel Hold takes care of most other issues where selective listening is required. In your case, you should prioritize your FL setup to accommodate the way you use your 436 most of the time. Since your post seems to suggest that mobile use is the priority, set your FL's up geographically according to where you travel most, reserving at least one FL for the travel in between points. If it helps, think of the Favorite Lists as banks that you have complete programming control over.

However, as was pointed out earlier, the use of the GPS unit is certainly best for travel, especially if you are looking for hands-free operation. Just be aware that there's a learning curve to mastering the programming when using the GPS so you hear what you want to and nothing else.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
GPS is your best friend. Alternatively, you can enter the zip code every so many miles. Not the safest thing when you are driving, but once you arrive at your destination, it does the job.

I love Quick Keys with the best of them, but I would not use them if I program a Favorites List for travel purposes. Too much stuff to remember when I'm trying to relax.


What's the frequency, Kenneth?
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2007
Fightin' River, Michigan
There is definitely a learning curve with this scanner.

I was on the fence about the GPS until I went ahead & got one in advance of an extended road trip. (Over 700 miles one way, a one-week stay at the destination, then a slightly different route back home.) After that trip, I am a GPS true believer! Totally hands-free while driving is a good thing on so many levels.

That said, before I left I set up a Favorites List for the destination city. That way I could listen to what I wanted and have control over it, as far as turning systems & departments on & off. I also have several Favorites Lists that I use at home and for nearby cities/areas which I frequent. I find this easy to manage. To keep track of which Quick Keys go with each System/Department, I developed a protocol which is loosely based on how I had things programmed in the old scanner "bank" days. I also have a "cheat sheet" for each FL, in case I forget where I put some of the lesser-monitored systems/departments, 'cuz they say the memory is the first thing to go! (Someone once told me what the second thing to go is, but I don't remember...)

Experiment around and find what works for you. You're not going to blow up the radio by trying different programming methods. Patience is a virtue. Start with a Favorites List with just one system in it. Assign Quick Keys to both. Then add a second system. Get used to turning the systems off & on using the Quick Keys. Then assign Quick Keys to a couple of the departments in one of the systems. Get used to turning them off & on. Start small & work up to multiple Systems, Departments, & Sites. Keep a log of what you've tried, what works, & what doesn't. You will eventually come up with something you are comfortable with. (And you may still tweak it after that.) You need to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. Don't start off trying to do a 10k!


Oct 22, 2005
There is definitely a learning curve with this scanner.

I was on the fence about the GPS until I went ahead & got one in advance of an extended road trip. (Over 700 miles one way, a one-week stay at the destination, then a slightly different route back home.) After that trip, I am a GPS true believer! Totally hands-free while driving is a good thing on so many levels.

That said, before I left I set up a Favorites List for the destination city. That way I could listen to what I wanted and have control over it, as far as turning systems & departments on & off. I also have several Favorites Lists that I use at home and for nearby cities/areas which I frequent. I find this easy to manage. To keep track of which Quick Keys go with each System/Department, I developed a protocol which is loosely based on how I had things programmed in the old scanner "bank" days. I also have a "cheat sheet" for each FL, in case I forget where I put some of the lesser-monitored systems/departments, 'cuz they say the memory is the first thing to go! (Someone once told me what the second thing to go is, but I don't remember...)

Experiment around and find what works for you. You're not going to blow up the radio by trying different programming methods. Patience is a virtue. Start with a Favorites List with just one system in it. Assign Quick Keys to both. Then add a second system. Get used to turning the systems off & on using the Quick Keys. Then assign Quick Keys to a couple of the departments in one of the systems. Get used to turning them off & on. Start small & work up to multiple Systems, Departments, & Sites. Keep a log of what you've tried, what works, & what doesn't. You will eventually come up with something you are comfortable with. (And you may still tweak it after that.) You need to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. Don't start off trying to do a 10k!

It just seems overwhelming at first, after a little effort there's an "aha" moment and it's plain sailing from then on.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Grand Junction, CO
For what it's worth, I am a very long time scanner owner (and listener) and very used to the old concept of quick keys.

However, a few weeks ago now, I received my SDS200 with gps and had it up and running literally in 15 minutes or so. I used just Service Types and GPS setup to set my location (after downloading latest database). I currently have no favorites lists, don't need them.

I am going to/from California (1,000 miles each way) in a couple of weeks and plan to simply let the GPS and service types keep me listening to police/fire traffic nearby. I presume that is all I will have to do... Guess I will find out!


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Scanner Master mentioned that someone does mods to put GPS internal to the Uniden scanners. How do I find that person?
That's jonwienke

Send him a message (use the small 'envelope' icon in the upper right corner of a forum page (just to the right of your user name).

You can also visit his website to see the various things he does.

That's the 'payments' page, but use the radio button dropdown links to see what's in each category.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Hi Folks,

I'm having an incredibly frustrating experience attempting to figure out the BCD436HP. Already owned this scanner for just over three years, but still don't have the slightest clue how I should really be operating it. I'll play around with it from several days to a few weeks, trying to get a feel for the thing and end up just getting even more frustrated with it, put it aside for a few months before getting it out and trying again. I've read numerous posts here in the forum over the months and years, watched various videos on YouTube, tried the Sentinel and ProScan software packages and read Mark's so-called "Easier to Read" manuals (436 and Sentinel), but still incredibly lost. In fact, I'm no closer in understanding this scanner now then I was when I first received it in 2018. I've been using scanners since the early 80s and until I purchased the BCD436HP, considered myself somewhat well-versed in scanner operations. If I had known this particular scanner was going to be so unintuitive and user-unfriendly, I would have just returned it when I had the opportunity. But now that I'm stuck with it, I'd like to finally be able to use it in the way that it's intended.

I guess I'm mostly having trouble trying to wrap my head around the various favorites lists and quick keys and how I should start setting them up.

For instance, if I would like to setup the scanner for use when taking a road trip, how do I easily switch from one location to another and from one type of service to another? Is that what different favorite lists would be for or different quick keys or what exactly? Like if I'm actively driving on the interstates, I'd probably want to typically listen to various state police agencies and perhaps state transportation departments. However, after arriving at my destination and sitting in a hotel room, I might enjoy listening to the local police, sheriff, and fire departments and maybe a local airport. I just don't seem to be able to determine how I should set all that up. What I have been doing up until now is making a simple list from Sentinel and writing it to the scanner and then creating a new listing and writing it to the scanner when it's time to go to a new destination. Of course this always requires me to drag along the laptop whenever I go somewhere and in most instances wouldn't have been needed if not for the necessity of writing a new list to the scanner. There's obviously a better way.

Regarding the favorites listings, would I be better off creating a listing by states or by agencies? As an example, if I make a favorites list for individual states, I might have the following:

State police
Highway department
County sheriff
City police
City fire
Local airport

Would I then select the quick keys to turn on or off the various agencies depending on my immediate location? IE: If on interstate, turn off everything except state police and highway department and if at destination, keep everything on except state police and highway department?

If someone might be able to explain in very, very simple terms, I'd certainly appreciate it. Or perhaps direct me to a site or existing post I most likely missed that might be similar to what I'm asking. It's truly embarrassing to be so stupid about this scanner, but I've finally come to terms with knowing that I'm getting absolutely nowhere with it.

Thanks All!

I would gladly help you out regarding the programming of that radio. I don't know how to send a private message on Radio Reference anymore. I thought it meant "conversation", but it looks like it gets posted in the threads.

Please, give me a listing of what you want to hear. I would like to have the internal GPS on my 436HP because I hate the external one offered by Uniden. Although this is not a popular way of doing things, I simply enter the zip code on trips with a range radius variable depending on where I am located.

I programmed someone's 536HP in Joplin, Missouri. Just let me know. I would love to get involved in a project because it is boring around my home at times.

I have owned my 436HP for a very long time and only recently learned to operate the configuration keys.
Last edited:


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
I don't know how to send a private message on Radio Reference anymore. I thought it meant "conversation", but it looks like it gets posted in the threads.
Put your pointer on the persons name on the left side and hit, Start Conversation. That's how to start PM or Private message.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I would gladly help you out regarding the programming of that radio. I don't know how to send a private message on Radio Reference anymore. I thought it meant "conversation", but it looks like it gets posted in the threads.

Please, give me a listing of what you want to hear. I would like to have the internal GPS on my 436HP because I hate the external one offered by Uniden. Although this is not a popular way of doing things, I simply enter the zip code on trips with a range radius variable depending on where I am located.

I programmed someone's 536HP in Joplin, Missouri. Just let me know. I would love to get involved in a project because it is boring around my home at times.

I have owned my 436HP for a very long time and only recently learned to operate the configuration keys.
As dave has noted, if you'll hover your mouse over the member's name, you'll get a pop-up with the option to start a conversation (send a message) with that person.

You can also click on the envelope icon just to the right of your username in the upper right corner. That will bring up a blank message form where you can then enter the user ID of who you want to contact, and your message. If & when they answer you, you will see a number by that same envelope, indicating that you have received one or more replies to 'conversation' messages.

However, in this case, the OP is still classified as a Newbie, with a message count of only 2, so you might not be able to send him a message. His only previous post was back in 2014, and he never came back to that thread.
If someone might be able to explain in very, very simple terms, I'd certainly appreciate it. Or perhaps direct me to a site or existing post I most likely missed that might be similar to what I'm asking. It's truly embarrassing to be so stupid about this scanner, but I've finally come to terms with knowing that I'm getting absolutely nowhere with it.

Thanks All!
If you'll post your location (city, or county, and state will be sufficient), someone will be better able to help you get started. There are a number of Wili pages, as well as YouTube videos, on programming.
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