Looking for equipment

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Hey guys, love this message board, great posts. Im looking for some equipment hopefully in DECENT shape, not beat up and dented all to heaven and back. First thing: VHF Handhelds with battery(s), charger, and antenna, or base stations that at least work. Second: UHF Handhelds with battery(s), charger, and antenna, Third: 800mhz Handhelds with battery(s), charger, and antenna, or 800mhz base station, both that can pick up the safe-t system of indiana. Im a certified EMS responder and my little handheld is starting to go put on me, so i need a replacement. I also travel to ohio and michigan all the time, and boy there are some major accidents goin that way sometimes. it would be nice to be able to call for help. my cell phone is about worthless over in ohio, and most of michigan. Thanks Guys. J


im from indiana but monitor a few states around me boards, and i bought some radios from ebay, and got screwed majorly by someone, so i tend not to buy my equipment from ebay. Thanks for the lead though, i do have some old mtx800's no batteries, but i do have them around here somewhere, plus two 1 hour drop in chargers available. make an offer. J
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