Well, over the night I actually had some luck with the PK-90, but none with the 232.
Initially, my problem with both units was that I could see all of my decoded packets in a terminal program, but nothing was showing up at all in either of my APRS clients (APRSIS and Pinpoint).
After doing some digging in the manuals about setting up the units for KISS and HOST modes, I was able to get the PK-90 to start delivering decodes to APRSIS. But once that started, I could never get either unit to *exit* host mode. They just weren't responding to the ^C^C^C at all. Clearly my CLOSE command isn't cutting it, but even after quitting APRSIS, I can't get back to CMD mode from the terminal.
To get them reset, I'd have to unplug them and take the battery out. Eventually I just left the backup batteries disconnected, because I was tired of having to open the device up every time another experiment failed.
At this point, I still can't get the 232 to deliver decodes to APRISIS, nor can I get it to exit HOST mode, even when commanded from the terminal. I tried following the same list of settings that got the 90 to work, but no luck.
Honestly, as common as these units are, I can't believe there aren't presets for them in the application setups.
If anyone knows a working OPEN and CLOSE command set for the 232 and APRISIS, I'd love to try it. Similarly, at the very least a working CLOSE command for the 90 as well.
Oddly, even after having some luck with APRSIS, I can't get either TNC to deliver decodes to PinPoint. Although it does work with decodes from the soundcard just fine.