Hi Scannerhead and all,
The 2N2222 is long obsolete but any small signal transistor will do, just observe the correct polarity and ratings. Well, since you can power it with a single 1.5V AA cell don't worry about the ratings. (;->)
"Well, yeah, if you want to be a purist ... "
It's not a matter of being a purist, there are several technical considerations well beyond the scope of this discussion. I have "been there, done that" with several types of signal injection and they're all very tricky and not worth the price of a receiver with a product detector.
"But just sitting the bfo near enough to the receiver that the signal leaks in somewhere will still work. We're not trying for minimum IM here, just enough detection that the signal is understandable."
Well maybe, again lots of variables to consider like how leaky the IF strip is. A good one won't pick up external signals and won't radiate any as per FCC Part 15.
Close, but no cigar although you accidentally hit on one of my methods. I used to have a 2M Gonset Communicator II with a VFO which I set to "spot" which injects a signal you can use for synchronizing it with the receive. Naturally I used it as a BFO but it was extremely limited, swamped weak signals while not providing enough injection for strong ones. I did have fun with some friends using SSB, they never guessed I was transmitting AM until I told them. That's right those of you who are confused, "zero beat" means no tell-tale heterodyne and SSB is simply AM with the carrier and one sideband removed.