looking for HF Freqs

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Now why can't I relate 30+ years of training and experience without some vultures picking my bones? Why be so pedantic when I'm simply trying to illustrate my original point, an SSB receiver is worth more than some jockstrap BFO arrangement and a LOT simpler to operate.

OK, granted, a Part 15 device may radiate up to 1,000 feet provided that transmitting is the intent but if not the rules clearly state that it may not radiate harmful interference (in any case) and must accept any interference to it.

My point was obviously missed but if you want to make a comparison a properly designed and constructed receiver (as they were in years past) is practically immune to outside IF injection, (steel case, steel chassis, internal shielding) so the way we injected a BFO signal was through a "giimick" into the last IF can high side. Todays crappy consumer electronics will pick up a fly fart a mile away much to the dismay of the average ham who has ever experienced an RFI complaint or receives QRM from touch lamps, dimmers, electric blankets, fish tank heaters........

Now let's stop it right here, this back and forth squabbling is pointless. Everybody has his own experience and opinions, let us agree to disagree. Now here's something we can all agree on if you have ever read up on the subject, when and if BPL comes to town this forum will close due to lack of contributions, we won't hear anything but digital noise on HF and possibly VHF as well. Think about it as it's of concern to hams, SWLs and SW broadcasters alike and leave the BFO alone as trivia, please.
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