The MFJ-971 is a compact 200-Watt portable tuner MFJ QRP transceivers. The MFJ-971 is also a perfect mate for any of todays ultra-compact SSB radios. It provides a convenient cross-needle type SWR/Wattmeter and features a special user-selectable 6-Watt range for QRP operation. The T-match tuner...
A simple coax connection will do the job. Really though, you probably don't need this if you are working with a good sized wire antenna. These kinds of units can sometimes help with a short or less than optimal antenna. Exactly what will you be using as an antenna?
Start with inductance switch set for best signal to noise then back and forth a couple time for both capacitance.
The goal is best signal to noise. the losses may not be the strongest signal but can improve DX quite a bit.