For those interested primarily in monitoring VHF aviation frequencies, I suggest consideration of the Larsen Super Base antenna. As I have interest in nothing other than aviation communications, an antenna cut for the band M118-136 was essential. I got mine from Wings & Wheels for $109.00, which includes mounting hardware (add shipping). For details, visit, go to the catalog link, then to "Antennas - Base, Mobile, Transponder, ELT and GPS." The antenna may well be available elsewhere, of course, so a google search for other dealers might be in order. The Larsen replaced a Diamond D130NJ, which is a fine antenna, but broadband. The improvement in reception was exceptional. I don't have the equipment to measure dB to compare the two antennas, so I'll rely on the 1-5 scale, wherein 1 is unreadable; 2 - barely readable; 3 - readable with difficulty; 4 - readable with practically no difficulty; and 5 - perfectly readable. The Diamond provided a consistent 3-level; the Larsen is providing a consistent 5-level. The antenna's mounted on a 30-foot mast with 30 feet of LMR-200 coax.