We are seeking testers and feedback on the new release candidate which has been posted in the Osmocom master repository. You can post to this thread, start a new one, or PM me.
The killer new features I'd say are multi SDR support for simultaneous voice and control channel decoding, sql logging, and the new customizable Web UI. The new detailed sql logging offers some unique possibilities for low power remote logging scenarios.
At this time I'd like to give a special shoutout to OP25 Contributor Triptolemus without whose work this release would have been impossible.
Screenshots below.

The killer new features I'd say are multi SDR support for simultaneous voice and control channel decoding, sql logging, and the new customizable Web UI. The new detailed sql logging offers some unique possibilities for low power remote logging scenarios.
At this time I'd like to give a special shoutout to OP25 Contributor Triptolemus without whose work this release would have been impossible.
git clone https://git.osmocom.org/op25
Screenshots below.