Yeah, this is honestly a double edged sword. The state trying to mandate a migration to MARCS by all agencies would be a tough sell.
The biggest reason for getting folks to move that way would be interoperability. If village X is on their old VHF system and has a major issue in their jursdiction requiring outside assistance and everyone that shows up is on MARCS, then the village is sort of left out of their own issue. There is of course patching that can be done by a dispatcher IF they have both MARCS and the village VHF on their console, but depending on the level of dispatch center (some places are still dispatching themselves via a base radio) that might not be an option. So this can become a problem either way.
Now as far as DAS / BDA systems.
If you read the OFC 510 carefully, the -95dbm in the building is not the number that building owners need to be concerned with (even though it's what most are measured against, the -95 dbm receive level at the TOWER from teh subscriber unit and not the 10 db above the noise floor which was the standard is a tough number to achieve from in a building. Figure that you start out with 50 db (100 watts) from most site repeaters. That goes through a combiner that is 3 db of loss and then another 3 db of cable loss. Now you are at 25 watts (44 dbm) then what ever path loss (about 120db) then a 20 db building attenuation, and you are at -95 in the building. So here's the problem. Path loss and building loss are BOTH reciprocal meaning the repeater has it and so does the subscriber. Problem is that the subscriber is not 50dbm (100 watts) it's only 36 dbm (4 watts) so when you run the numbers back the other way... if a building measures at -95dbm internally, there isn't a possibility that the subscriber will be able to achieve -95 dbm at the repeater site.
And addressing the noise floor issue. That is why the IFC and OFC hve now made additional rulings as well as City of Columbus requiring training and FCC approved equipment be used and not some crap off eBay. That being said, there were a number of those systems that were put in that little to no engineering was done on them and they ARE running up the noise floor. The better quality stuff has a 'squelch' control to turn off the uplink (inside > outside) part of the BDA. But there are also still NEXTEL BDA's out there that are running that have widow filters in them that cover the whole public safety talkin frequency spectrum that were also just sort of set to a point that they worked and then left to run at whatever level they were set to. I had dealings with one that was installed improperly on the North East part of Columbus that took the FC system off line for a number of hours a few years ago. It was a high power unit (most are 2 watts total output, this one was 4 watts) and it was set to make the place glow going both ways. That specific manufacture would ship their units with 0 attenuation (turned clear up) and the installer was responsible to turn it down. Hacks will get a radio for the system and look at the bars.... if they have 4 bars, it's good. All the other manufactures (or at least the ones I deal with) have their units coming out of the box set to the minimum gain possible.