looks like E skip might be starting up
42.86 nchp 10:12am
ne wisconsin
looks like E skip might be starting up
42.86 nchp 10:12am
ne wisconsin
It is not misleading. People have been observing the start and end of this season for many years. Yes, there are times when Es happens outside of the summer season, and we all know the winter season as well, but in general there is a time when openings are far more frequent. I mark that as the start of the season. Of course the peek of the season has insane openings that happen nearly every day (many twice a day...some all day) and are widespread. But the season starts and ends like someone turned on/off a switch, and are pretty much dead outside of that.
I read that "paper". Is that some college kids paper? The main problem I see with the data on that paper is the TV/FM Broadcast association. What happens between 28 - 54 MHz is far different from what happens on FM broadcast frequencies. Openings above 56 MHz are fewer in number (I also DX low band TV...far more infrequent to get good openings on). Openings below 50 MHz are much more common. And during the peak of the season's openings VHF Hi band opens on rare occasion. Very short skip on lower frequencies happens at the same time (300 miles or less). I really like those short skip days! The shortest DX I have worked was 200 miles on 6m. I wonder if 10m would have been even shorter!
I'm not out to debate what causes Es, or even argue seasons. I'm just reporting it how I have been seeing it for more then 35 years now. When F skip mixes with E skip, it gets crazy. It is often hard to tell what layer is refracting those 1400 mile hops! Who cares? It is all fun!
4:45 PM EST
Hearing NC SP on 42 MHz and MD on 39 MHz. Even hearing NC mobiles in SE FL. And now Ulster County NY Fire dispatch on 33.48. Yea! Low Band skip is back!
I say, "Its low band or no band!"
UPDATE: MOHP now on 42 MHz (6:00 PM EST).
I'm over by KC and I'm hearing California HP on 39.680 right now.
05/04/2010 about 0900-0930 CDT:
40.33 PL 103.5 unknown repeater. sounded like Canadians
40.53 SNOTEL data
40.67 sounded just like SNOTEL data but haven't seen this freq before
44.58 BNSF ELOS data
44.94 CHP?
45.36 unkown
40.33 PL 103.5 unknown repeater
Good night last night. Worked 29.620 NYC with my 5 watt MT1000 HT with the standard rubber duck!
And the night of May 3rd I was in Jacksonville and heard NCSP and MOHP on an 18" whip antenna. The coax on my 54" whip more mag mounts! I'm ripping a hoe in the roof for a HF NMO mount! Time to put my 6m Motorola Mitrek back into service.
The bands are looking good...very good.
Good night last night. Worked 29.620 NYC with my 5 watt MT1000 HT with the standard rubber duck!
And the night of May 3rd I was in Jacksonville and heard NCSP and MOHP on an 18" whip antenna. The coax on my 54" whip more mag mounts! I'm ripping a hoe in the roof for a HF NMO mount! Time to put my 6m Motorola Mitrek back into service.
The bands are looking good...very good.
What model HF antenna are you getting for mobile use?
I also need to install an NMO mount but I'm worried about height as it will be on an Expedition which is a fairly high vehicle. I don't drive around in parking garages much though so I guess it would be ok.
Still curious as to which mobile HF antenna you are looking at.
I had an old ball and spring and whip cut for 42.0 MHz. It came from a radio shop that sold equipment to the state years ago but I'll de damned if I can find it. It was the exact setup they had on the troopers cars back then. I guess they still use the same 1/4 wave whips to this date but I can't say I've looked at a new model trooper car in years so things may have changed over the last 20 or 30 years![]()