Mcminn County


Aug 12, 2009
East Tennessee
Etowah City and Englewood City Police and Fire are in the process of switching to the TACN, Rumor is Englewood PD switched last night, I haven't heard them yet today doing traffic stops.
If anyone can listen for them to make sure they are using a Talk Group that has been added to the system already or its a new one we need to get added.
I'm listening on my end.



Aug 12, 2009
East Tennessee
Etowah and Englewood PD will be be operating on the Etowah Main channel.
A source just told me but he dont have the Talk Groups yet.


Dec 20, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Looks like Etowah Police Department and Englewood Police Department might be using Talkgroup 6022 as their Main Channel. 501 (Etowah Police Chief) and 601 (Englewood Police Chief) was talking back and fourth on that channel.


Mar 7, 2022
Yes Etowah PD is primary TACN, not sure what they did with Thier Kenwood radios.. Thier Kenwood Talkgroup has been silent since then.

Yes Englewood PD is primary TACN on the same TG, no longer using VHF analog.

We will see if Calhoun and Niota PD follow suit.

The users of the Dalton system have not been happy since the get go. I could of told them that as I did an extensive RF analysis in McMinn Co and told the owner of Dalton (not gonna mention his name) his system was not ready for prime time. But the county was convinced otherwise and signed a 5 year contract so they are stuck unless they file a lawsuit and break off.

County fire uses TACN for LZ/FD Mutual aid often, so the county is paying double (Dalton fees, and TACN fees) for no reason just because the Fire Commissioner (aka Chief-1) doesn't like 800 MHz.

Gotta love politics. They spend our tax dollars playing hot potato. (Dalton system was paid for by COVID-19 funds)


Mar 7, 2022
You would think that amr would switch over
AMR is bound by whatever system the county tells them to be on. It is in thier McMinn County contract as the primary EMS provider they must abide by. Yes they are very frustrated , but it is not thier call to make. Sadly.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
I have inside info that says different.
TACN dropped the per radio charge last year.
If your coverage is not what you want then you pay for the new site to be added.
@radiocrazy123 If I was you I would not bet more money than you can afford to loose.
I know 3 new users that just got on 1 needed a new site (which they bought) but $0 fee was the charge to join.
You might want to talk to TACN people not your local I have my own system radio shop spreading un truths.

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Senior Member
Database Admin
Sep 25, 2001
Right here...
I have inside info that says different.
TACN dropped the per radio charge last year.
If your coverage is not what you want then you pay for the new site to be added.
@radiocrazy123 If I was you I would not bet more money than you can afford to loose.
I know 3 new users that just got on 1 needed a new site (which they bought) but $0 fee was the charge to join.
You might want to talk to TACN people not your local I have my own system radio shop spreading un truths.

McMinn County is in the TVRCS zone and pays fees and has since the system was installed.


Senior Member
Database Admin
Sep 25, 2001
Right here...
Not sure about TVRCS but TACN is feeless now that I know for sure and I have not ask but I am sure that TACN and TVRCS has been combined into the same system.
No sir the 10 counties that received grant money, and the two counties that paid several thousand dollars to join TVRCS still pay fees and enjoy the support of the TVRCS radio shop in Chattanooga. TACN is a combination of the original TDOC Zone1, TVRCS Zone2, and TDOS Zone4 ( Zone3 was supposed to be Nashville that is why the system has a RFSS of 3). but just recently Knox County took Zone3 privileges on TACN. Just to be clear the 3 original counties in North GA that joined TVRCS Zone2 Site11 Simulcast is the Northwest Georgia Interoperable Communication System to which Whitfield County joined in 2015 I believe.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
I understand what you are saying but the link I posted said they were combined and have the common name TACN. I will check in with my TACN Employee and see what is going on with the system.


Mar 7, 2022
I understand what you are saying but the link I posted said they were combined and have the common name TACN. I will check in with my TACN Employee and see what is going on with the system.
First and foremost. I do not like your attacking comments and acting if I know nothing which is offensive considering I have 1st hand knowledge, not 2nd hand gossip. You need to tone it down a notch as you are just getting info 2nd hand on this county and are injecting other info that has nothing to do with this thread.. This is a McMinn County thread. Not Coffee County or any other county so stop hijacking this thread and adding confusion on matters you know nothing about in this county.

I will clarify for the R/R public that what you guys call "TACN" as per the R/R database for System 2A5 in McMinn is TVRCS managed and the Zone 2 master is in the hands of Chattanooga, but R/R has it all listed as TACN , so for simplicity I said TACN because most regular people on this website have no clue what TVRCS is, do not know MOU agreements, contracts, etc etc.

All agencies on System 2A5, managed by TVRCS (aka TACN on the database) pay a partnership fee that is 6 figures (not disclosing the amount), to become a voting partner and an annual, or quarter fee for each radio affiliating on the system. This includes McMinn County and therefore relevant to this thread.

Not going to argue or waste any more time defending my active 1st hand knowledge on this.

Have a nice day.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
That is fine I have 1st hand TACN knowledge and you have 1st hand TVRCS knowledge. I deal with TACN as 3 counties I deal with 1st hand moved to the system. It was you in post #7 that stated TACN was not fee free when TACN is. For anyone wanting to verify the TACN cost I advise you to call the TACN Administrators in Nashville, Tn. I did not attack you I stated TACN facts. Your County may get its fees dropped after the contract runs out not my department. But there is a reason the system has grown to the number it has in the last year the dropped fees.
It might save your county money to check into what TACN does.
I am just stating provable facts.
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Mar 7, 2022
Your statements are super exhausting as you are missing many components of a complicated agreement across various agencies.

You do not understand the relationships between TDOC, TVRCS, TACN, etc all of which share resources of the same system ID known as TACN on radio reference but it is not truly a TACN system because TACN only expanded the previously established system as per governor order. The system is a wide area partnership.

My statement about "fees" was directed on topic, TACN was mentioned for the simple minds to understand yet you did not grasp it.

System 2A5 is not free by any stretch of the imagination to manage or maintain. Even if a subscriber end user pays nothing to affiliate, that subscriber is still using resources that a paying voting partner, and/or legislation fund paid for on the back end, somewhere, somehow. Regardless, tax payers pay for all of it.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
I understand what I have stated is fact as I get my answers from TACN MANAGEMENT. Being a Government employee for over 40 years friends with a TACN staff member for over 45 years and linked to the 2 way radio industry for over 40 years I stand behind what I know as facts for TACN I know they started with USER FESS here also but last year all USER FEES were dropped for TACN. I do know more about the system than you think. I know it consist of the TDOC, TVRCS and TACN. Now you need to stop insulting me I NEVER SAID YOU WERE STUPID LIKE YOU JUST DID ABOUT ME. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR INDEVERS HERE.


Mar 7, 2022
Englewood has both systems already. They have to stay on the Kenwood system for primary as they are contracted for county as well as city response. They can not switch unless all of county fire switches.

Etowah Rural primary is Kenwood for county response. But they have both systems also. Same reason as above.

City of Etowah FD is still in the process of getting enough P25 radios for all the staff. On and off duty.

When the Dalton contract ends is when things may get interesting.