Medical City/HCA Healthcare


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Finally I am able to post some new info regarding Medical City/HCA and specifically Medical City McKinney. I went rounds with an ER nurse and won and in the process found out some things.

First, I was in the ER waiting to be sent to a room last Wednesday morning and whooped out my trusty SDS100 scanner and began scanning. I was bored! Wasn't long before that drew attention and some nurse came in telling me her Tech heard her radio on my scanner and that was a HIIPA violation. I wasn't even scanning the hospital, I was listen to Collin Co. to pass some time. I jumped up and pointed my finger at her with my IV line narrowly missing her and Said "Did I give consent to have your radio waves access my body? Are you going to help me pay for the RF cancer I am catching right now? Is your radio channel encrypted? Do you know every time you push that PTT someone withing 20 miles that has a scanner can hear you?" I then went on to exaggerate the damage of RF exposure and then the fact that I never consented to have that pollution pass through my body. Furthermore, that her employee was Lying because the ONLY thing I was scanning was the Collin County Sheriff's office and that was a radio system that her little Motorola CLP1110 could not be programmed with. That I would be discussing the matter with my attorney and to go fetch the AMA forms and I'd take my Kidney Failure to a hospital that gives a rats pooh!

I happily scanned the whole time I was there and NO ONE challenged me again afterwards.

Now, for the technical stuff. The Emergency Department uses 1 channel 1 watt Motorola CLP1110 radios on a analog conventional frequency. This includes ER, ER overflow and the OR. The MotoTRBO is ONLY used daily by Security, Maintenance and Hospital administration. All other departments and employees are on a Wifi based cellular network and Text or email each other. They can SMS directly with physicians, departments, department employees Everyone who is anyone has a device issued to them and that's how business gets done. The TRBO is for Security, Maintenance and Administrative AND in the event of a disaster or Major medical event such as another pandemic or say tornado or god forbid, another mass shooting. Apparently this new method of internal communication applies to all HCA properties.

I did not get to Identify the frequency they use because I forgot to pack my SDS battery charger and a USB cable that supports the SDS100's power port. In my hurry to get to the ER in Renal failure I forgot essential things oops ... I'll do it next time ...


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
I'd have loved to have had that dialed up on a web browser to throw in her face ... Yeah, I often get names like HIPAA wrong, Its the Oxicodone's fault!


Dec 19, 2002
Columbia, MO
Terrible idea to be arguing with a nurse about a scanner. I would probably leave the scanning for a time when I’m not in an Emergency Room for care. It is a private hospital so if they wanted to push the issue they could have told you it wasn’t allowed and if you refused, trespassed you from the facility. What a way to make a bad representation of the hobby and to treat medical staff with disrespect.


Dec 19, 2002
Dallas, TX
What Stephen said above. You could have been arrested for trespassing, had they pushed the issue.

Surprised you even posted this. This is not how quiet professionals and guardians of the radio hobby operate, arguing with first responders, in their buildings/their AOR.