Metro Police Callsigns

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Database Admin
Aug 7, 2001
Fredericksburg, VA
The regular patrol officers use a callsign like 2021 (last I heard). The first number is the district (1-7), the second two designate the Police Service Area (PSA), and the last digit is a unique identifier. So 2021 is 2nd District, PSA 02, 1st unit. There are numerous other callsigns for supervisors, specialized units, etc.



Oct 7, 2003
Austin, TX
dtscho said:
...So 2021 is 2nd District, PSA 02, 1st unit...

Not to be nitpicky, but there's no PSA '02' - PSA's are 3 digit designators. The basic idea's right - the first digit of the PSA is the district number - but the PSA number would be 202.

Here's a breakdown an MPD officer gave me:

The Complete Informative Guide to MPDC unit numbers:

1-7 unit numbers with three following numbers (the PSA cars) 1011-707X. Any PSA car ending in "9" is a Master Patrol Officer. Any Cruiser number (1010-7070) is a PSA Sergeant. Lieutenants have three digit cruiser numbers corresponding to their PSA (101-707). Captains and Commanders of districts utilize a two digit system. Cruiser 11 is the 1st district Commander. 52 and 53 are 5th district Captains. A watch Commander is Cruiser 100-700. The Nighthawk (Chief of the District at night) is for some reason Cruiser 28.

Cruiser 9xxx can be anything from Crime Scene to Communications. 9239 is a Crime Scene cruiser. These cruisers are also Administrative cruisers like the SOMB (Security Officers Management Branch) or Office of Organizational Development.

8600 series and 8800 series cruisers are SOD. This can be anything from K-9 to ERT or EOD. Cruiser 1 is of course Chuckie [Edit: Chief Ramsey] himself. 2, 3 and 4 are various assistant Chiefs and ROC Chiefs.

Any Cruiser identified as 1D(David)11 through 7D(David)99 is a detective cruiser.

Then you have the various Powershift, Focus Mission, and Streetcrime cruisers that identify as their title with a number following. Station Radios (District Station Personnel) identify as a multiple of 1000. (Station 1000 through 7000)
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