Thanks gents. I was looking at MFJ-969, TUNER, HF+6M, 300W, ROLLER, DL, XMTR, ANT SW. I wanted to stay away from auto tuners until i "learned" how to manually tune, and it seems that manual tuners in this price range can run more frequencies than auto's, as well as more power. Just an observation i have noted in the ones I am looking at.
I was initially going to get the MFJ MFJ-993B
MFJ-993B, DUAL POWER AUTO TUNER, 300/150W, 1.8-30MHz but noticed it does not do 6m. Same with 929
MFJ-929, 200W AUTO TUNER, LCD/MTR, 1.8-30MHz even though all the great youtube channels that "contest" or "on the air"something or another, give rave reviews of both.
That being said, they have been in the game much longer than i have and their width of knowledge far surpasses mine; however i would bet that a lot of us newbies watch these channels in hopes of finding "the one" that does everything we need it to. Low and behold, i am learning the hard way, this just isn't possible.
So i still have this brand new Yaesu FTDX10 in a box waiting to get set up, and it comes back to the installation of the SWR meter. The tekpower i have in the picture above is strong enough to power it, but when i got the MFJ 849 SWR
MFJ-849, WATTMETER, DIGITAL, HF/VHF/UHF, 200W in the mail the other day, it came with no instructions. I am figuring just on basic electronic training, that the 2 wires i have are positive and negative. Both are black. There is no ground. I can only find videos of people connecting it to a battery even though it is ran (or could be) inline with the radio they are using. So until i get that operational and able to trust its readings, i don't plan on plugging in the Yaesu yet.
And then when i finally get power to the SWR meter ( and am comfortable of turning it on, i want to have a tuner i can understand and trust so that mag loop i have hanging works as advertised on the bands i need it to, with tuning of course. As some of you know, i am limited to my 3rd story apartment while we look for houses, and just had emergency back surgery at the beginning of April and go in for a 2 level reconstruction in July. I was hoping i would have all this figured out by now so while i am convalescing at home, i have something to play with...that i can touch within reach

.....Also keep in mind i won't be installing anything as far as antennas go for quite awhile after July. Everything i have to do will be from my desk- tuning etc.
So ye with greater knowledge than I, how would you propose i tie the MFJ-849 meter in? It's own power source? Tied to the same power source as the radio? Should i get a 3rd power supply to run only the 849 and tuner when i get it?
Should i stick with my hunch on manual tuners, or should i pony up the extra $50 for the auto tuner? Am i needing another brand entirely to look at?
@popnokick should i go with a nano analyzer before i get a tuner or do you recommend i use both at the same time? I was looking at Rigexpert but the cost at the moment puts it out of reach for me at the moment. Not sure they are any better than the Nano's you speak of. Many on the net i am on give great reviews on theirs.
I fear that me waiting for the perfect set up will keep me from getting on HF. I want to work it so badly, but I worry that i am going to burn up $1300 with a bad decision/connection. But i have just a few weeks left before I will pretty much be immobile for a month, and then PT and all that Jazz for the rest of the year, i wanted to be able to work HF and continue on this path that is pretty awesome.
Thank you all for letting me vent on my keyboard, and as much as I realize i sound like a complete noob, I am lol. Appreciate all the help.