1419EST GK249.800 Fighter indicating he saw a balloon at 320-370.....I,m asumming he meant 32,000-37,0000 feet
Yes that would be correct...there are a few weather balloons out there...the bottom one was still above 94K but its parachute deployed so they saw it on the way down. Parachute would deploy at the gray symbol. Actually must have been the top one they saw...the bottom one is at 103382 ft at time noted (local EST).....the freq is 401.251 MHz FM1419EST GK249.800 Fighter indicating he saw a balloon at 320-370.....I,m asumming he meant 32,000-37,0000 feet
Yeah hearing both clear and digital comms (RED and GREEN comms)....similar to what the F35s use when they are off the coast in the Warning Areas.1450- Some ND ANG A-10s on 266.6 chatting about use of unid system on 228.1. Hearing digital encrypted bursts on 228.1. One of the acft having trouble receiving the digital signal.
Would it be data/ telemetry on 401.451???Yes that would be correct...there are a few weather balloons out there...the bottom one was still above 94K but its parachute deployed so they saw it on the way down. Parachute would deploy at the gray symbol.
Justin - yes data (telemetry) on 401.251 for that balloon. There are several other frequencies uses by the sondes.Would it be data/ telemetry on 401.451???
time: 2025-01-15 14:51:08 | icao: AE4AEA | rego: 09-0017 | type: B752 | source: L-98W | msg: AES:AE4AEA GES0 2 ..90017 QUARINCXA~1FPL AVAILABLE FLIGHT PLAN A0252 (KADW - KPBI) FOR TAIL 90017 IS AVAILABLE FOR RECALL |
1040- Several IL ANG C-130s (Torch 61, 62 & 63) look to be inbound to ADW. Related to inauguration?
Odd Alaska C-17 giving some PR troops a ride in. So far we have Yankees,Bats,Torch's .FROZN61 (00-0174) appears inbound ADW from San Juan.