Middlesex Fire Changes


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Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Out with the old, in with the new @mdsxfire

Noted during daily test, Dispatching no longer by local PD but now Somerset County.

Somerset County using a Middlesex RID 1210xxx. No longer is there a multicast to 154.445.
So long redundancy. Middlesex remains on the Middlesex County TRS.

I suspect the number of cover assignments by other departments (all by dispatched by Somerset) may have the been the motivation.


Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
Out with the old, in with the new @mdsxfire

Noted during daily test, Dispatching no longer by local PD but now Somerset County.

Somerset County using a Middlesex RID 1210xxx. No longer is there a multicast to 154.445.
So long redundancy. Middlesex remains on the Middlesex County TRS.

I suspect the number of cover assignments by other departments (all by dispatched by Somerset) may have the been the motivation.
Our EMS and OEM are still getting their daily test from local PD now sometime around PD night shift change, 1850-1910, they were not to happy that county doesn’t do test so PD obliged them.

Some changes and things to listen for are FD now only dispatched on Msex county TRS dispatch TG when dispatched by county, and tones only go out once, if for some reason tones are sent out from PD console VHF will multicast and tones will go out twice
EMS when dispatched from county will only go over VHF (squad does not have enough indication pagers yet) and tones only go out once, if dispatched from PD console tones go out twice and are multicast on VHF and TRS
As for OEM last I heard county was not going to be dispatching them over radio at all, only IAR, not sure about that as of this post.
Lastly town has been looking to goto actual dispatch for a few years to get the shift SGT off the desk and on the road, so the change was pushed pretty much all by PD


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Dec 22, 2005
As we know, ”82” Fire made the move to Somerset County for dispatching, remaining on the Middlesex County TRS.

The VHF high band backup repeater 154.445 DPL 703 was left behind. Several reasons including an expired license. This was resolved with an STA.

Somerset was noted testing today along with dropping tones from the Comm center via an RF path.

No activity or links of VHF to either County TRS TG’s system noted. Looks like the backup is back via Somerset. @mdsxfire


Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
I wish I had the patients to explain the long path of being on backup VHF to finally almost about to be back on our trunk dispatch but it’s truly exhausting lol. I will just leave it at saying they did their due diligence to make sure 100% service


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Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
I have been working on untangling a jumbled up mix of this and that.

Middlesex Boro Emergency Services primarily operate on the Middlesex County TRS of which one simulcast site is in the center of town. Middlesex Fire can also be found on the Somerset County TRS, primarily for mutual aid.

Fire, OEM and EMS are also multicast on 3 different VHF repeaters. The Police test all of this at exactly 6:50 every night, except the Fire Department. The FD communicates with Somerset County only (that also means no tests). Somerset even drops P25 paging tones for the FD on Middlesex TRS. Somerset County can also be found dispatching the Rescue Squad on the few calls it takes.

Somerset has added several multicasts to make this all happen. SCCC said they had dismantle all Multicasts for all Emergency Services, but the multicast list SCCC manages is actually growing.

Somerset Mulitcasts Fire 154.445 DPL 703 / TRS TG 10201.

Somerset Multicast EMS 156.05625 DPL 703 TRS 10301

Look for a future post on all present multicasts in Somerset. If you know of an active one DM me. If you had your multicast terminated let me know.

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