mil air frequencies.

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Go join the Milaircommschat Yahoo forum at:

when George F. approves you (yes, he's the same one that runs the Milair freqs site down in Florida) you can download the NHK Pax River file that exists in the Files section. Alternately, you can join the Southern Md. Scanner Forum at:

(which is something of a misnomer - it concentrates on Southern Md. Milair stuff. Anything that isn't milair related usually lands with a THUD). Put out a message there that you're looking for PAX freqs. There's also an Excel file floating around somewhere in one of those 2 groups that has even more PAX stuff.....73s Mike

P.S. Just as a FYI; if you're interested in MilAir, and you live in the Central Md/DC Metro areas, the files in the Washington DC forum under the thread 'Combat Air Patrol frequency files' will be right up your alley. Those files are csv file dumps of various lists that appeared in past issues of the Capitol Hill Monitors newsletter, and are still quite valid. They are mostly set up for the Uniden scanners (since the PRO96/2096 doesn't really work well in that range); but because they are text type files, you should be able to manipulate them at will. M.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
I just wanted to add that George is a really good guy and helped me out a bunch when I first started listening to milair.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Waldo325mvfd said:
Hay thanks. I have all the dc area frequs., but I keep finding new onesthat arnt listed anywhere and the callsigns are not related.

Also I was wonering If any one has herd any thing on the UHF USCG air Frequs. 8)

I'll bet at least some of what you heard as 'new ones' actually belong to PAX and the operations there; they are, after all, right in your back yard. I think you'll find that the UHF landscape in your area is very different from the DC area. I have some of Jeff's lists, and they list many different things than the stuff we have in the DC metro area, but that's to be expected. You should report the stuff you hear!
No, I haven't heard anything on the USCG UHF freqs that have been floating around for a bit; I do have a couple of stations nearby, but I guess they don't use them very much, or else are very lo power.

73s Mike
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