There is no standard for the term "unity gain" without reference to something known. Many different and well known antenna mfrs compare unity gain to a dipole, or a 1/4 wave ground plane, an isotropic radiator and other things depending on what direction the wind is blowing. There is no consistency in the industry to unity gain.
Sometimes an antenna mfr will tell you what they call unity and even when referencing a 1/4 ground plane, some mfrs only state 1/4 wave ground plane where others state a 1/4 wave monopole over an industry standard 32ft dia ground plane made to very specific dimensions, which is very different than what we would think of as a 1/4 ground plane.
ERP calculations that go to the FCC or other meaningful recipients do not relate to any "unity" gain antnena. Its either dBd or dBi, with the vast majority using dBi and the info you send to the FCC is labeled EIRP in this case. dBi is universal and can be referenced to linear or circular polarized antennas where dBd does not relate to odd polarizations very well. If there were an antenna industry standard size taco that radiated, and it was repeatable, then "dBtaco" would be an actual standard where "unity" is still fuzzy because its different depending on who you ask.