Hey everyone, so I wanted to follow up on this post, since everyone was so helpfull(thanks again), and it has lots of good information in it for others with a Pro-96's or similar scanners, but I've been busy with other things, and didn't get around to editing the picture I will add below...
After reading, changing configs, uploading, doing software updates, and everything mentioned/suggested in this post, short of sending it back to RS, I decided to try "tinkering" with some things inside, mainly the 3 small "dials" or whatever you wanna call them, as I have highlighted in Red in the picture..I read in a post somewhere for another RS scanner, that those would fine tune it somehow..at the time I didnt pay much attention to it, as it was for a different model, and I didnt have it open at the time to compare, so I don't have a link, which is bothering me now lol..
So, I opened it up, then plugged it back in, positioning it so I could see the screen as well as turn the small dials/screws easily, turned it on, and manually tuned it to the controi channel for the Halifax Tower(Geizers Hill) so it displayed the % for recieved signal(which hovered at the 12-20% range before this process), then took a small Phillips head screwdriver and put it on the bottom dial (VR4), and began to delicatly turn it a small amount counter clockwise, and sure enough, as I turned the dial/screw, my % started to climb, I turned it about 1/4 of a turn total, maybe a bit more, in the end, I was able to get it to read the control channel at 75-90% consistantly...
So, I decide to hit the scan button, and sure eneough, Clean, Clear, like the day I bought it in Texas listening to Houston PD, it works...no more garbling, or digital noise, or anything, just clear audio on all the channels I was trying to scan..I'm pretty sure my pants moved at that point

Anyways, I dont know what exactly I did there, but it sure as hell made a big difference.
It would be cool if someone who know's more could explain how what I did works, it was a simple fix, that anyone could do who is comfortable with opening the case..and would be great to share.
Here's the link to the picture, its to large to upload, but I wanted to make it clear for others to see:
If you click on the image again once it opens, you will get a full window pic, much easier to see