I do not find anything specific on the RR database here unless I have missed something. Perhaps someone here or on
Infoscan has the answer. My listening range to the north of Ottawa does not reach Mt-Laurier, seems to end around Mt. Ste.-Marie area.
If you are in the area and can do radio search, start with data from the gov't (IDEC) database. Click on Detail (right side which is licence number),
much more detail is displayed (sometimes usage).
Use this online tool to search for frequencies, locations, or licensees. Infomation comes from Industry Canada's database of frequency allocations.
This general listing contains many commercial stations which are not for fire/incendie. What you want could be under Ville de Mont-Laurier,
the MRC (Antoine-Labelle). Sometimes fire services use a repeater or trunked system which is not in their name, but leased`from service
provider; specific users do not show up in IDEC data. Also if fire shares frequency/system with police, it cannot be found in IDEC; such is
the case with MRC des Collines and Mt-Tremblant systems.
Fire frequencies were primarily in the 153-156MHz and 158-160MHz range but that is not always true now. You could check 151.145, 153.800,
154.725 etc.Some related frequencies are paired i.e. repeater in/out.
Also, services have been converting from analog to digital, I do not know the extent of this in that area.