Here are some frequencies found at the Fair this past Saturday:
461.8125 [ d125]
463.5375 [ d364] Primary?
467.6875 [ 97.4] Parking
469.5000 [ 88.5]
Talkgroup 1776 from the Mont. Co. TRS was used by Fire/EMS. 1744 was used, but I was unable to determine who was using it--maybe the police? Can anyone listening to the TRS confirm? 6896 sounded like it also might be used at the Fair, but unable to confirm.
461.8125 [ d125]
463.5375 [ d364] Primary?
467.6875 [ 97.4] Parking
469.5000 [ 88.5]
Talkgroup 1776 from the Mont. Co. TRS was used by Fire/EMS. 1744 was used, but I was unable to determine who was using it--maybe the police? Can anyone listening to the TRS confirm? 6896 sounded like it also might be used at the Fair, but unable to confirm.