My employer is buying me a Motorola BPR40, it will be here tomorrow. I've never heard of it before. Does anyone on the list know anything about this little radio?.
It's a small little business radio, maximum of 8 channels i believe, no display, no keypad, no signalling, and two programmable option buttons, comes in VHF and UHF. Very basic little radio, not that exciting LOL.
Well, I got it in the other day, it's a fine radio. Very small, lots of good reception and the battery lasts about 2 days (light duty). Used it during our "mini-disaster" yesterday when a Burns Flat city councilman was shot by a Police officer, from the firing range. Funny, the victim was my old electronics teacher from Vo-tech... lol!
Burns Flat councilman hit by stray police bullet in Elk City
"Associated Press ELK CITY, Okla-- Burns Flat City Councilman Bill Bolechala is recovering after being hit by a stray bullet from the police firing range in Elk City. Bolechala says he was having his car serviced and was standing outside the car dealership when he felt like he was hit with a bat or by a bird yesterday. He says when he looked at his left side he saw blood. Bolechala was treated and released at a local hospital. He says the bullet is between his hip and ribs and doctors don't plan to remove it unless it becomes infected. Police Chief Bill Putnam says the bullet apparently ricocheted off a metal frame which holds targets at the gun range then gone over a protective berm. He says he'll replace the metal frames with wooden ones. Putnam says the range has been used for at least 30 years and this is the first time a bullet caused any damage. Bolechala says he isn't planning a lawsuit and that police have told him they'll pay his medical bills."