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Motorola Select-5 decoding. Help required


Jul 29, 2022
It sounds like EEA that uses 40ms tone lengths and it's more than 5 tones, so probably adds it's own ID at the end.

I have tried all available standards, including EEA without success.

Maybe some settings on sorcerer are wrong or the signal is not strong enough

I know that is an ambulance dispatch (here in italy) and I know that those are the status the ambulances send.
I'm expecting to see some text like "N. of ambulance on scene/back to base"
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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Look in its FFT spectrum display if you see the signal there. I downloaded the program and only see my own windows sounds appearing but not when playing from a file. It seems to only decode live audio. Maybe there's a way to redirect the audio from the file in some way but I have so far no success with that.



Jul 29, 2022
Look in its FFT spectrum display if you see the signal there. I downloaded the program and only see my own windows sounds appearing but not when playing from a file. It seems to only decode live audio. Maybe there's a way to redirect the audio from the file in some way but I have so far no success with that.

For redirect the audo from the file I used VB cable.
On Sorcerer go on File > options > sound card optitions.


May 3, 2003
I think this is Hexadecimal Sequential Code (HSC) format.

HSC uses tone frequencies & timing similar to EEA/CCIR 5 tone but allows sequences much longer than the common 5/6 tone format.

Here's an application note with the details: HSC Signaling

This format has been around a while but was not a popular option in North America. The old ACC RC-850 repeater controller even supported it: RC-850 HSC

Using the HSC format on your first audio file both tone bursts decode as: 0295111901, all tones were EEA format & 40 ms timing.
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Jul 29, 2022
I think this is Hexadecimal Sequential Code (HSC) format.

HSC uses tone frequencies & timing similar to EEA/CCIR 5 tone but allows sequences much longer than the common 5/6 tone format.

Here's an application note with the details: HSC Signaling

This format has been around a while but was not a popular option in North America. The old ACC RC-850 repeater controller even supported it: RC-850 HSC

Using the HSC format on your first audio file both tone bursts decode as: 0295111901, all tones were EEA format & 40 ms timing.
That's interesting...

Is it possible that what you have decoded "0295111901" on the radio (a motorola gm family) is shown as text?

The first brust should be from the ambulance the second from the dispatch

Like "back to base" "copy"


May 3, 2003
Is it possible that what you have decoded "0295111901" on the radio (a motorola gm family) is shown as text?

Unlikely it's text, in the HSC format a 'B' tone would precede a block of text & there's no B tones (930 Hz) in your recordings.

Usually status messages are not meant to be plain text readable, typically one or more of the digits encodes the status (1=enroute, 2=on scene, etc.) and the remainder are the unit ID. Log all the messages & look for a pattern.

If you look at the Euro GM300 sales guide on page 45 it shows how this radio can be programmed use 1 to 8 digits for unit ID and 1 to 3 digits for status codes.


Jul 29, 2022
Seems like they're using the 5-tone as status messages.
Yes it should be like that.
I tried deciphering the numbers that way.
I found a document where these states are specified. However, it only indicates 2 buttons for a total of 4 sendable states...

It's unfortunate that the content is only numeric, it doesn't make identifying the radio system any easier