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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Motorola XPR8400 bricked?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2020
New york
Hi all i just purchased this repeater xpr8400. The person i got it from bought it at auction and said he couldnt program it ofcourse no further info

When i power it up the leds dont cycle like they usually do just the solid green power light comes on and stays on as well as the fan. No other lights ever come on.

I snooped around a little bit checking all the cable connections they are good. Next i checked power out from the supply good.

I checked the two boards led board in front and control board the leds worked when i jumped them.
I checked every pin to every connector they all seem to have power going through where they should even both radios, so i would guess they are not completely fried. Also when i plug an ethernet cable in the rear jack the two little lights on it do not come on. The pins have some mv current going through them.

I tried a bunch of cps that i could get from mol most of them are only a few years old
the repeater was made in 2010 version on the tx radio label is R01.08.10 i tried depot tool and rdac but not lab tool as i couldnt find one all with the same result cant read or write as if nothings connected.

Im ready to use this thing as a boat anchor is there a hidden reset or something im missing?? im pulling my hair out over here

thank you all in advance..


Premium Subscriber
Sep 2, 2012
Pottstown Pa
I’m sitting on one with similar issues. When you plug the programming cable in, it doesn’t pull an ip, nor does it show any network activity on a network.

Also tried reading directly from the radios as well with no luck. I tossed it under the bench as I do not have time to obsess over it right now.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2020
New york
I tried the same here plugged prgramming cable directly into radios and nothing. I read somewhere that the only led controlled by hardware is the green power led and all others are software controlled. After all my poking around i keep feeling like its a software issue

Im lost but i know this has had to have happend to others hopefully someone can give us some insight sad part for me is i sold a perfectly good repeater to get this one.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2020
New york
What i also find crazy is there is a ton of info videos and guides of every repeater you can think of online.
Even one off models that were made only once but look up info on the 8300 8400 its like a ghost town


Premium Subscriber
Sep 2, 2012
Pottstown Pa
If I recall when going through the service manual, the front board holds the USB-Ethernet chip. For some reason that’s where I stopped at as I couldn’t find any of them to swap and see if that was the issue or not as I didn’t want to cannabalize a working unit to test.
I figured when and if another one goes down, then I’ll be able to start swapping parts.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
Hate to say it, but every part of this sounds like a scam. I never would have bought the hardware if they couldn't program it, unless I was buying it at junk rate for salvage. Sorry, but I think you got beat.

Have you put an oscilloscope (and then wireshark) on the ethernet port to see if anything is happening?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2020
New york
I paid 175 for it after he have me back 260 dollars so i think even to sell for parts i didnt get beat wherever the repeater was it was in service. I just think possibly the firmware was never upgraded and no one has such an old cps where ive searched. I dont own a wireshark to test the ethernet but i could run a software on my pc that will do the same. I have a spec analyzer but what should i look for with that if the repeater isnt tx or rx. I dont know the frequencies to trigger it.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
I paid 175 for it after he have me back 260 dollars so i think even to sell for parts i didnt get beat wherever the repeater was it was in service. I just think possibly the firmware was never upgraded and no one has such an old cps where ive searched. I dont own a wireshark to test the ethernet but i could run a software on my pc that will do the same. I have a spec analyzer but what should i look for with that if the repeater isnt tx or rx. I dont know the frequencies to trigger it.
A spectrum analyzer isn't an oscilloscope, and wireshark is a program that allows you to analyze network traffic. You don't even need a great oscilloscope, but if you can determine that the ethernet port is live - wireshark might allow you to find out what is coming out of it.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 2, 2012
Pottstown Pa
I paid 175 for it after he have me back 260 dollars so i think even to sell for parts i didnt get beat wherever the repeater was it was in service. I just think possibly the firmware was never upgraded and no one has such an old cps where ive searched. I dont own a wireshark to test the ethernet but i could run a software on my pc that will do the same. I have a spec analyzer but what should i look for with that if the repeater isnt tx or rx. I dont know the frequencies to trigger it.
If your PC doesnt acknowledge the network connection when you plug into the back of the repeater, its pretty much one of two of those boards


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2020
New york
Ok im going to change out the controller card also got a fresh install of win xp.The ethernet port doesnt do anything the little light on the jack dont come on and my pc sees nothing. Also keep it on the down low lol but if you guys need i think i found a source of brand new oem boards as many as we want i will be ordering mine next week on Thursday if they are legit i will take orders.Pm me if your interested!!!
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