Ask and you shall receive:
152.3975 DPL 465 MVECC link (SUMMIT EMS) - Repeater
154.175 PL 114.8 MVECC link (SUMMIT FIRE) - Simplex
The repeater gets out better than the simplex patch which is kind of local.
154.205 PL 114.8 - nothing heard (MILLBURN).
152.3825 PL 88.5 - MVECC rx only (M-SH FAS) - Repeater (again, Summit EMS one is alot stronger, this seems local as well).
Springfield EMS also has their 156.060 DPL 065 on their air. This one really gets out. I think its up on Overlook hospital. Hear some chit-chat occasionally.
Thats pretty much all thats left on VHF over that way that I've noticed.
New Providence has a link up on UHF as well: 500.7375 DPL 411.