Have never really heard anything before on these, but I have them programmed in anyways.
This morning during cleanup as some of us have gotten a pile of snow over night, I managed to hear some activity that sounded like plows talking to each other, no mention of where they were or what highway they were on, but likely either Hwy 17,60, or 132 which are the closest provincial highways to me as my town intersects all 3.
Frequency I heard the activity on was
I did not hear the plow activity however on
This morning during cleanup as some of us have gotten a pile of snow over night, I managed to hear some activity that sounded like plows talking to each other, no mention of where they were or what highway they were on, but likely either Hwy 17,60, or 132 which are the closest provincial highways to me as my town intersects all 3.
Frequency I heard the activity on was
143.805 | Multiple | M | 103.5 PL | MTO Enf Sim | Enforcement - Simplex | FM | Law Tac |
I did not hear the plow activity however on
143.805 | Multiple | M | 114.8 PL | MTO Mtc Sim | Maintenance - Simplex | FM | Public Works |

Ministry of Transportation (Ontario) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Ministry of Transportation (Ontario)