Friday was a day that overtaxed emergency crews both in Midland and Odessa.
Around 10:00 Friday morning, EMS and fire crews were dispatched to an MVA at the intersection of Texas Hwy 191 and FM 1788, just north of the Midland International Airport. This has been a problematic intersection for some time. Traffic on either service road has to STOP at 1788. There are stop signs and another sign that announces that the cross traffic doesn't yield. However, on this accident, a young mother driving south on 1788 turned east on the service in front of a northbound tanker trunk. When the car's driver realized that she had turned in front of moving traffic, she made an effort to stop but was too late. She was broadsided by the tanker, causing the tanker to roll. Both the driver and her 4-month old daughter were pronounced DOA at Midland Memorial Hospital. The truck driver was transported with non-life-threatening injuries.
Because of the rollover, diesel fuel as well as some of the contents from the truck's tanks spilled onto the highway. Fire and Hazmat crews remained on the scene until well past 5 PM as did cleaning crews.
Then just after 5PM., things started cranking up in Odessa with back-to-back accident with pin-in or rollover calls; followed by back-to-back structure fire calls. About 7 p.m. Odessa Fire Dept. Batallion Chief Kavin Tinney was heard to say to dispatch: "Has it slowed down yet?" The dispatcher laughingly replied that it had, indeed, slowed down for the moment. Then it all started all over again. It just had to be a full moon!
Around 10:00 Friday morning, EMS and fire crews were dispatched to an MVA at the intersection of Texas Hwy 191 and FM 1788, just north of the Midland International Airport. This has been a problematic intersection for some time. Traffic on either service road has to STOP at 1788. There are stop signs and another sign that announces that the cross traffic doesn't yield. However, on this accident, a young mother driving south on 1788 turned east on the service in front of a northbound tanker trunk. When the car's driver realized that she had turned in front of moving traffic, she made an effort to stop but was too late. She was broadsided by the tanker, causing the tanker to roll. Both the driver and her 4-month old daughter were pronounced DOA at Midland Memorial Hospital. The truck driver was transported with non-life-threatening injuries.
Because of the rollover, diesel fuel as well as some of the contents from the truck's tanks spilled onto the highway. Fire and Hazmat crews remained on the scene until well past 5 PM as did cleaning crews.
Then just after 5PM., things started cranking up in Odessa with back-to-back accident with pin-in or rollover calls; followed by back-to-back structure fire calls. About 7 p.m. Odessa Fire Dept. Batallion Chief Kavin Tinney was heard to say to dispatch: "Has it slowed down yet?" The dispatcher laughingly replied that it had, indeed, slowed down for the moment. Then it all started all over again. It just had to be a full moon!