My antennas EFHW 8010 ?


Nov 10, 2017
Hello all, I have one of my antennas endfed 8010's and decided the other day to fix the problem it had and I put it back up yesterday, have the transformer up about 40ft and the tail insulator close to a 100ft high maybe closer to a 108ft off the is fed with about a 152ft of coax to the a N to S directions...the transformer isn't where I'd like it to have been located in the tree but surprised the swr is what it is now......was hoping to hang it horizontal, but turned out to be a sloper.

My swr looks ok cross all the bands, even on the 60m band......80-10m bands the highest the NanoVna shows the swr been a 2,4 which is on the 80m band, 3.8 frequency ....all the bands are usable using my internal tuner....

Would you leave this antenna this length or try to get the swr lower ?..

I don't think I have ever used one of these in the sloper position, wonder how it would do like this ?..


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
These antennas resonate around 3.55MHz on 80m and you can shift that up to favor the 3.8-4.0MHz range by cutting the wire in half and inserting a capacitor. I join the two cut ends with an insulator then loop the wires from the insulator ends to a HV doorknob capacitor. I forget the value but I think its 250pf for the EFHW. The 80m OCFD uses 150pf if my memory is working. This is a real mod and done by MyAntennas on their 75m version of the antenna, it only affects 80m and all other bands are the same. I found a pic of how I do the insulator/capacitor install below although the value in the pic is not correct. I also cover the capacitor and wire ends with hot glue heat shrink.

Otherwise the antenna should cover all of 40, 20, 15, 10 with a very low SWR and should also be useful on most of the WARC bands with a reasonable SWR.

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