By what you're saying it looks like the tower would survive the winds but I can't say your antennas wouldn't end up in the next county. When a tower is guyed or bracketed securely to an existing structure all the base does is support the weight so what kind of soil it's sitting in is unimportant. Known for our nor'easters and winter gales with nothing but sand south of the Raritan River you better believe our towers are tied down with battleship chains.
As for your mast, like I said Rat Shack steel antenna mast is quite strong enough to hold that antenna without bending even at the full 10' length. At my last QTH I had 15' of it bracketed to a fire escape railing and it somehow managed to survive several years worth of severe storms even with a heavy wind load as you can see. Note the picture but please forgive my shooting out the window with my crappy web cam. Electrical conduit (EMT) probably will bend (it's meant to with a pipe bender) with two exceptions, heavy wall steel and aluminium. Steel is a problem since it's not galvanized so it must be painted, preferably with Rust-Oleum and that may give you electrical continuity problems, not good for lightning protection. Trouble with aluminium despite it's light weight is electrolytic corrosion between two dissimilar metals but that takes considerable time so it's worth a try as long as you aren't plagued by wind off the bay and salt air. It's banned here in Ocean County for that reason but I don't know a whole heck of a lot about Frisco. Note: It's listed diameters don't make any sense so if you decide to have a go you'll have to bring a ruler to the racks at the electrical supply house and measure it.
FB on the mole holes, amazingly you didn't get moles stuck in the vacuum cleaner. (;->)
You reminded me of those little baskets that tunneled up my yard when I lived in West Creek. When I stepped on a nest and fell flat on my face I declared war but the little buggers won out in the end, no way to exterminate the whole neighborhood which happens to be surrounded by forest.
So you like my sense of humor do you? I had chipmunks too and one day I startled one and it ran up the drainpipe. Lovely trap it made for itself, as I took the section out I plugged the ends so it couldn't escape before I released it into the mailbox. Being a rural area mail comes by one of those right side drive little trucks driven by a women, perfect for my nefarious plan. Watching from a window I saw the whole thing, when she opened the box it jumped into the cab, you can guess what happened next. Small wonder I didn't get mail for a week and it resumed with a different driver.
"Warren, your sense of humor is amazing!"
Sorry if she disagrees.