Hello Gents, some good info this thread... I've been scanning since the "olden" days with crystaled scanners and been going strong with all the new scanners etc. It took me a while to realize that Napa SO was "gone" and so now im trying to get them back... I have a couple P25 Phase II radios but i have never programmed any systems with a 2CC NAC "tone" and no TG's to speak of... (no pun there but i like it
) I will go thru the manuals of the three P25 PII radios i have to see if im missing something. Will anyone here please let me know how to pull down the new NAPA SO Dispatch RED/BLUE freqs... id be very grateful... the RR database page has the "napa co trunked p25 link" which takes me to CIRS page where there is a large number of 700 MHz freqs but none listed for Napa... I thought i was very knowledgable about most things "scanners" but here im a bit lost... Thanks in advance ~Dave