Naval Support Activity Charleston and Joint Base Charleston Move from the Department of Defense TRS to a USAF TRS

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Savannah and Brunswick, GA
I've submitted this to the database, but it hasn't processed through yet, so I wanted to post it here as well so folks could be aware of it. On a couple of recent trips to Charleston, I noticed that the talkgroup IDs in use at Naval Support Activity (formely known as Naval Weapons Station) Charleston and Joint Base Charleston had changed. On the first trip, I didn’t have the chance to check the System and Site IDs for the two sites, so I wasn’t sure if they had just changed talkgroups or were using a different system. On this most recent trip, I checked the System and Site IDs, and they were different than before. Previously, the Naval Support Activity Charleston site was System ID 14C (Department of Defense TRS), Site ID 2-006 and the Joint Base Charleston site was System ID 14C (Department of Defense TRS), Site ID 2-070. Now, they are on the US Air Force TRS using System ID 57C. The frequencies, as near as I could tell, remain the same as they were while part of the DOD TRS. Here is the site information for both sites:

USAF TRS – Naval Support Activity Charleston Site
SysID: 57C Site: 1-067
Frequencies: 380.0750, 380.2750, 380.4250, 380.5750, 380.7250, 380.9375, 381.0125, 381.1750, 381.2375, 381.3125

USAF TRS – Joint Base Charleston Site
SysID: 57C Site: 1-068
Frequencies: 406.1625, 406.3625, 406.5625, 406.7625, 406.9625, 407.1625, 407.3625, 407.5625, 407.7625, 407.9625, 408.3625, 409.1625

The talkgroups I heard were all in the 7##, 8##, and 9## range instead of the 2#### range talkgroup IDs that were used while the sites were part of the Department of Defense TRS. There is encryption in use on some of the talkgroups. I didn’t hear or record enough traffic to ID the talkgroups except to make some educated guesses; perhaps some SC area radio enthusiasts can pick up the ball and run with it.

TG 751 – Unknown; enc
TG 752 – Unknown; enc/unenc (JB/NSA Charleston FD?)
TG 753 – Unknown; enc/unenc (JB/NSA Charleston FD Tac?)
TG 754 – Unknown; enc/unenc (JB/NSA Charleston FD Tac?)
TG 787 – unknown; unenc (Naval Support Activity docks?)
TG 862 – Unknown; enc/unenc (Navy Munitions Command Atlantic Unit?)
TG 881 – Unknown; unenc
TG 884 – Unknown; enc
TG 885 – Unknown; enc
TG 920 – Unknown Quarterdeck; unenc
TG 950 – unknown; enc

On future trips to Charleston, I'll continue to work on it.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT
Savannah/Brunswick, GA
KF4LMT's Radio Shack
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