NCIS Using Uniden Handheld as a Transceiver

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2009
Watching an episode of NCIS here in Australia (I think from the latest season) and it shows a handheld uniden scanner (Similar to a 396T with a green front) and they call is a "Military Cell Scanner" and the private has punched in a quick save of 911.0000 in the hopes of dialing 911 but is has transmitted on a narrowband frequency to a baby monitor.

Just wondering what scanner this unit actually is and why would they not use something more believable!? Anyone else seen a scanner misused in a TV show or movie?
Feb 3, 2009
So Far Away....
not to poo poo on the ridiculousness in accuracy of details pertaining to TV-Movies,like the scanner set to 666mHz in the last DieHard flick,,
but i wish this much scrutiny would be applied to what our media and politicians are pumping out as accurate information,,
i could get conspiratorial but it would be to easy and would only invite a slew of tin hat cracks..

still is odd a prop dept wouldnt keep a real transceiver on hand instead of hitting a uniden with some krylon camo green,,,lol..

sorry so side trak,,but the worlds getting whacked,these are indeed very interesting time in which we live and it seems,but the measure of history as a guide we are going to see many,many more things visit us.

oh yeah,,did ya know the govt is trying to get the power to shut down the internet,,

our senate,hard at work for Us...
the bill

our sen
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