Somebody ain't reading the previous threads on this subject. Again, if the troopers have been issued 800 portables, then the vhf vehicular repeater has most likely been removed from the car, especially if it was one of the older Tait systems. Per the plan, the only cars getting the very few new VHF vehicular repeaters and HT1000 portables are those in districts where the SHP 800 mHz system is going to be a while, like western NC. ALL SHP cars have the capability of radio rebroadcast over the Siren/PA, and some troopers favor using that instead of the junk Tait repeater system, and rightfully so.
If a trooper was/is lucky, his car was/is equipped with the complete Motorola system which consists of a Motorola Syntor X 9000 with the siren unit and the vehicular repeater unit, all controlled from the Syntor control head, and a Motorola MaxTrac 25 watt mobile radio. Then there are the ubiquitous Tait vehicular repeater/charger/VHF mobile radios combos with Tait-labled portables that were built by Repco in Florida when Repco was still in business, there are Vertex VXR-1000 repeater systems (5 watt) with HT1000 Motorola portables, and those are usually accompanied by Motorola MaxTrac 25 watt mobile radios. There are a few Midland low band mobiles with companion VHF high band mobile repeater/mobile radio with Midland portables. There are even some Standard (pre-VertexStandard era) combinations and some Kenwood combos. Pick yer poison, most of the Standard and all of the Kenwoods are gone to my knowledge. The Tait junk could be considered sorta reliable only with constant maintenace, the Motorolas were very reliable, and the Midlands were OK if you could stand the Uniden scanner-like audio quality. The Kenwoods and Standards were miserable failures.