Afternoon everyone,
I'm finally getting back to listening and back to this web site but I've run into a small problem. The radio that got me into this hobby and with which I learned a tremendous amount is a Radio Shack DX390 that I found in a pawn shop for $10. The power supply I needed to operate cost more than twice that but oh well.....The other night I got up about midnight and tried to turn this radio on and got nothing. I've been using it regularly for quite some time without issue but now it isn't operating. I know it is getting power but thats about it. The light comes on and shuts off but when I press the power button nothing happens. My guess is the button has failed. Were would I find a source for a replacewment part or better still, who might work on these things and be able to repair it? Electronics isn't my strong suit and while it wouldn't be economical, I've learned so much with this radio I'd like to keep using it simply for fun. I've heard pirates, Chinese and Cuban propoganda, angry preachers we all apparently owe money to and much more using this radio and an antenna made from speaker wire. Who does this kind of work and how might I get in touch with them? No one locally offers this service so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm finally getting back to listening and back to this web site but I've run into a small problem. The radio that got me into this hobby and with which I learned a tremendous amount is a Radio Shack DX390 that I found in a pawn shop for $10. The power supply I needed to operate cost more than twice that but oh well.....The other night I got up about midnight and tried to turn this radio on and got nothing. I've been using it regularly for quite some time without issue but now it isn't operating. I know it is getting power but thats about it. The light comes on and shuts off but when I press the power button nothing happens. My guess is the button has failed. Were would I find a source for a replacewment part or better still, who might work on these things and be able to repair it? Electronics isn't my strong suit and while it wouldn't be economical, I've learned so much with this radio I'd like to keep using it simply for fun. I've heard pirates, Chinese and Cuban propoganda, angry preachers we all apparently owe money to and much more using this radio and an antenna made from speaker wire. Who does this kind of work and how might I get in touch with them? No one locally offers this service so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.