
Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
I'm trying to get as comprehensive a list of frequencies that are likely to be heard in the DFW area. I've got the local freqs, Barnstable, Tinker, Dyess, and the SATX complex. The hard thing about finding these freqs is figuring out where the different bases are to d/l. Is there anything else I'm missing in this region? And is there a list of NORAD/Air Defense type frequencies like the Alaska NORAD list?

Thanks for any info you might have.


Premium Subscriber
May 11, 2007
DFW Texas
Howdy - This is Bill and I too live in the DFW Metro area. I have been listening into Mil-Air for a while and you might consider using a few tools of the trade, if you don't already use some or all of them:

Do a search my postings and you will see the below with links - some are DOD and you must (at times) download a Public Security update to display. Some have issues doing this whilst I have not on Windows11.

1. Look at the NOTAMS (ZFW) daily as the NOTAMS will give you the Dates/Times of Operations of Military Operations and Training Areas, along with several Air Refueling Tracks you might be able to hear from DFW.
2. Look at the Special Use Airspace (SUA) site a few times a day when monitoring as this is a great tool the maps/graphics depicting the info above and you can do "filtering and sorting" via the TEXT TAB as well.
3. See the AP-1/B (aka 'FLIP Charts") for a LOT of information on IR, VR and SR Training routes with embedded Radio Frequencies in some of the routes. In the back half of the AP-1/P is a Map of the CONUS Tanker Aerial Refueling Routes (AR-104 south of DFW as one example) and both the Tanker to Receiver Radio Freq and the FAA Entry / Exit Freqs too...
4. Download ADS-B to see the Mil-Air Aircraft in the area. Once the MAP is open, just hit the "U" button and ONLY Mil-Air Aircraft will appear vs all the Private and Commercial the layers pull down you can select the Tanker A-R Tracks with Labels from the source AP-1/B.
5. Radio Reference: Search the NATIONAL database to load the "MIL-AIR-COMMON" radio freqs. Air-to-Air, AWACS (via Tinker AFB) and NORAD freqs.
6. Search each base within (as you have done) within 100-200 miles as you can sometimes hear the Aircraft, put you may-not hear ATC/Center.
7. Navy Ft. Worth has lots of activity daily with USAFR F-16's (call-sign COWBOY nn and Lockheed / NAVY F-35's (Call Sign Lightning nn).
8. Sheppard AFB has a lot of Training and flights into Alliance Airport (KAFW) in my area - mostly TEX-2 and some T-38 traffic.
9. Dyess / Barksdale you have and once in a blue moon will here transit B-52/B-1's but not often - Air Refueling ops is a better bet!
10. Search for UHF (225-380Mhz Range - all in "AM MODE") looking for FAA RCAGS site" ZFW" (FAA Remote A-G Comm Sites) and those will help. The USAF uses a lot of VHF Mil Air (138-143 Mhz) too, depending on the area and local polices...NAVY Ft. Worth has TX Air Guard and USAF Reserves (soon trading in the F-16's for F-35's) and the use both VHF and UHF MIL AIR Freq's.

SKYVECTOR is another tool as are the JEPSON CHARTS and FAA SECTIONAL Charts - The DFW Chart also has the Military Operation Areas (MOA) the Radio Freqs on the side-bar....Brownwood MOA and the various MOA's around Sheppard are very busy at times. Brownwood for training for gun runs and bombing missions and some with CCT;s. You will-not hear them in DFW, but if you are out that way its worth loading up the radio freqs - Check NOTAMS for dates/times of use !

Norad Common - Example and many more... 364.200 (AM MODE) is most active I have heard - sometimes training with Fighters / AWACS...
271.000BMCSQNORAD WADS"Blue 15" Western Air Defense Sector ("Bigfoot")/Air-to-AirAMMilitary
282.600MCSQNORAD 282.6Air-to-AirAMMilitary
335.950MCSQNORAD AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)AMMilitary
364.200BMCSQNORAD AICCAir Intercept Control Common ("AICC")

Hope this helps...Bill


Premium Subscriber
May 11, 2007
DFW Texas
Forgot - You likely need to look at the MILITARY AIR (Mil-Air) RR Sub Page and you will get a lot of general info and ideas too.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks for all the great info! I've got everything from the national database I could grab, plus the few Texas bases I figure I have a chance to hear (I don't expect to hear NASCC, Kingsville, or any CG UHF up here, but I could be wrong).

I heard a fair amount of traffic on some Barksdale frequencies over the weekend. The ADSB stuff, I haven't messed with much, mostly looking at medevac helos, so I'm going to check that out more. The NOTAMs and SUAs are something new for me, since I'm not interested in aviation, per se, I just love the comms aspect of it (and railroad, marine, whatever 😆)

Which brings up another question: is there any legitimate VHF marine band usage up here, are those freqs allocated to other use here, or do people bootleg on it. It hadn't occurred to me to scan the marine channels up here yet.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
"7. Navy Ft. Worth has lots of activity daily with USAFR F-16's (call-sign COWBOY nn and Lockheed / NAVY F-35's (Call Sign Lightning nn)."

NASJRB 301st no longer has F-16s they have been replaced with F-35s and callsign is SPAD. COWBOY callsign is used by the VMFA 112 F-18s. LIGHTNING callsign is used by Lockheed F-35 test flights and the Mirage F-1 chase aircraft.


Jan 10, 2015
Spring, Texas
I'm assuming NETX stands for NorthEast Tx Milair. Forgive my ignorance here but do you suppose that some of the A/C in and around the DFW area could also be heard here in the Houston area? I have stumbled across some A-A comms between some of the T38s out of Ellington AFB but I have yet to catch any Air Refueling stuff. I would think at the altitudes the refuelers are operating at the UHF signals should propagate this distance. Maybe not. Which probably says that I should start a thread for the Houston/Gulf Coast MilAir stuff. Anyway, I keep scanning try to stumble across the traffic but it has been sparse. Every now and then I catch the Hurricane Hunters out of San Antonio as they fly out to the Gulf as hurricanes approach. I have been collecting frequencies from other areas of the country hoping they will be common frequencies. So far it hasn't paid off. Maybe just bad luck.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Yes, North East TX. I just moved from Houston, near IAH, and never had much luck at all in the UHF airband. A bit of tower UHF at the big airport, and the occasional EAM on 311.000. Most of the aerial patrols in the gulf are joint ops with Navy and CG flying feds on surveillance. They seem to use the CG and CBP nets mostly. 345.000 gets busy during an airshow at Ellington.

I asked specifically about NETX, just because I'm here and don't know the area too well. Are there other airbases in OK besides Tinker? Or Barksdale in north LA/south AR? Lots of searching still to do (online and on air) I think we might do better with a plain Texas MilAir thread, maybe we can get some good info from all across the state. You want to start it?


Jan 10, 2015
Spring, Texas
Yes, North East TX. I just moved from Houston, near IAH, and never had much luck at all in the UHF airband. A bit of tower UHF at the big airport, and the occasional EAM on 311.000. Most of the aerial patrols in the gulf are joint ops with Navy and CG flying feds on surveillance. They seem to use the CG and CBP nets mostly. 345.000 gets busy during an airshow at Ellington.

I think we might do better with a plain Texas MilAir thread, maybe we can get some good info from all across the state. You want to start it?

I tried to start a Houston/GulfCoast thread a year or two ago. I got met with crickets. As you have said, you didn't hear much in this area. Since that has been my experience there may be a reason for it. Ellington is the only Military base in the area. I may have to just face facts there just isn't much MilAir activity here. I was hopeful that UHF would propagate this far from a high enough altitude but maybe not. When I hear the Hurricane Hunters it is always on HF so propagation is better there.

Anyway, I'll kind of lurk here and hope some one else in this area may have stumbled across something. Thanks for letting me ride your thread.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Every now and then I catch the Hurricane Hunters out of San Antonio as they fly out to the Gulf as hurricanes approach. I have been collecting frequencies from other areas of the country hoping they will be common frequencies. So far it hasn't paid off. Maybe just bad luck.

Do you also monitor HF for hurricane stuff? That's where I did most of my MilAir monitoring in Houston. Fair amount of Military HF all the time, but when a hurricane enters the gulf, you get all sorts of stuff across the band. Amateur hurricane nets can have some good info mixed in the welfare messages, and maritime HF channels can have some surprises.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Hah, posted at the same time.

Usually, it seems like the only time MilAir is good around Houston is after a hurricane. Even then, it's usually short-lived, unlike the multiple weeks of traffic after Ike. Customs flies with CG in Houston, DEA flies out of Conroe, but nothing out of them on airband other than pilot to tower kind of stuff. Between their VHF systems and COTHERN, not much need for them to use good ol' Amplitude Modulation.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
The NOTAMs and SUA were completely new for me. My main question in finding MilAir freqs is, "WHAT COUNTY IS THE BASE IN???" I got 254 to look at in Texas. How you 'spect me find all these other counties in other states, Willis?


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
Are there other airbases in OK besides Tinker?
Altus AFB, Vance AFB, Will Rogers ANGB, Muldrow AHP. Probably a few more I forgot.
Fort Sill has Henry Post AAF and some bombing ranges and training routes.

Here are some things to check.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Thanks, that's a lot of help. I only know the names of ones I've seen in TX and the "famous" ones (half of those I know have probably been BRAC'ed.