HMN AFB F-16 & E-3 questions


Feb 2, 2022
Been listening on a 125AT for about 2 years now from SE NM. Did some self-education by reading other posts and watching some B Course student-produced videos, but still have some questions:

Most of the fight sessions are on one of four air-air freqs that I've stored, but most typically on one specific freq. During fight coordination and active fight, "Darkstar" (it's an E-3, right?) is always on, but AFTER the fight when planes are RTBing, "Dragnet" contacts "Gecko" and gives a series of numerical info, conversation is one-sided, so I'm assuming air-ground and it's the same E-3 that Darkstar is on, and is contacting HMN to give post-session info (though haven't heard this stuff in a few months... maybe they're on a new freq? And it's not ZAB Alamo RCAG for group RTB info, as I've got that stored already).

Q1: Is this correct? Is Gecko HMN? And why the change from Darkstar to Dragnet? Different planes, or controllers, or status? Or something else?

When I first started listening, the contract aggressors were ATAC Mirage F1s, and on occasion, one or both would leave their ADS-B on. The ones I have tail numbers on are out of the area, but I've seen on B Course vids that Draken and Top Aces planes are also filling aggressor roles, but never turn ADS-B on. I'm assuming the aggressors are all IPs, but don't know if they're always on the same freq as the F-16s and Darkstar. Like today, there's Darkstar, Mace 1, 2 & 3, and Sultan 1, 2, 3 & 4. I'm assuming I'm listening to students and IPs, and aggressor IPs, but am not sure.

Q2: Are all the planes involved in the fight (students and IPs/aggressor IPs) all on the same freq, or are the aggressors on some other freq? And if so, what?

I've also got an air refueling freq that HMN uses, and sometimes I'm missing some activity because too much is going on at once. Thinking about getting another radio just for additional MilAir (already have 7 radios for public safety that don't do CivAir or MilAir).

Q3: Is there a good radio for MilAir that does more than the 125AT? Or will another one do everything I will need to listen to HMN air?

Thanks in advance for any info.
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2006
Clark County, NV.
From an old publication but worth a try. This is from the HAFB Ops and Range publication. The BCT-15X is a good Milair scanner.


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Feb 2, 2022
Much appreciated! I had Talon West & East, and Beak B & C, and now I know what they're called (just had them as HMNAFB Air-Air 1, etc).
The air refuel I'm listening to isn't listed (302.25), and it's been very active several days a week. The freq that Dragnet calls Gecko on isn't listed either (275.95), which I believe is an air-ground. I'll plug in what you have listed and see what happens. Thanks!