I don't think there is currently a single band radio sold in North America with a mini-din port. The "standardized" port is kinda useless if you have to buy a $350 dual band radio to use it. That's why more digipeaters are built out of surplus commercial rigs that cost $20. I know people who ran older GE Mastr II, GE Custom MVP, Motorola Mitrek, and Motorola Micors as dual duty digis. Two TNC's, and you could have a traditional packet digi and then on a secondary channel (with secondary use) you'd channel it for APRS.
Honestly, It's hard to beat a surplus 16 pin Motorola Radius series radio with the 16 pin to mini-din adapter offered from Argent Data for $8 or a headless high power Spectra (which had a standard DB25) for digi use.
Or, in a low RF site an Alinco DR-135... With or with out the Argent Data internal TNC...
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