Hi guys,
Mobile data terminal/computer, what's the difference besides another politically correct phrase? Like the computer you're using to read this message it's a terminal, part of a remote computer system. The correct term is "dumb terminal" actually since all it needs is a rudimentary OS like the old DOS mirror.fil and a rudamentary terminal program (there were and are many) to operate. You new guys weren't born yet so you and your whiz-bang Pentium and XP machines may be excused.
Ever since the FCC mandated encryption for all transmissions of a sensitive nature law enforcement has been switching to secure radio systems, the FBI was the first. We used to monitor them on the 167mHz sub-band until the infamous "Tomcat" you probably have heard of published government frequency lists, within a few monts they were encrypted and within a year went to a satellite system. The local cop shops followed suit and by now very few still transmit in the clear. I have found other interests long ago, they're boring as hell so stop complaining (;->) and find other uses for your scanners.
BTW, the real challenge is on HF and it's worldwide so expanding your interests just may be in order. Oh, some of us hams say that real radios glow in the dark. Here's a picture of my first communications receiver, a National NC-173.