That monitor is pimp....
Mac128k said:Nice bridge, Captain!
oceans777 said:Exsmokey,
The ARA2000HDX I have using performs a little below my Diamond discone when mounted at the same height, both using LMR400 - it picks up better from 800 MHz up but the Diamond beats it on VHF air and UHF air, no question. They seem about equal in the 400 MHz area and a toss up on VHF low.
It is extremely expensive for that level of performance and unless you had no other options I'd look for another solution.
I also have an ARA100HDX and got it for the same reason - was in an apartment and had no other options. It works well for strong HF and shortwave stations and reliably pulls in stronger stations everywhere I've used it. It's no good for utility or weak stations as it pulls in more noise with the gain turned up. There's just nothing like long wire for weak signals.
I wouldn't buy either again but they did work ok when I couldn't use anything else - just wouldn't say the performance was anything to justify the high price.
commscanaus said:You have done a magnificent job of co-ordinating your shack equipment and furniture- it blends together very nicely.
I have to agree with KG4LJF- that monitor is definetly "pimp"!!
I used to think my old Sony 21" CRT was the stuff when I got it new back in 1998- certainly did the job but it was a "radiation king" and was unbearable in 100plus deg summer with the heat it put out. A 30" LCD is just awesome! Going to get me a 19" widescreen- plenty big enough for me and they are so cheap now.
Regards, Commscanaus.
oceans777 said:It's a Diamond RH77CA.