New Ids # On 800 Dps

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Dec 6, 2004
Tulsa, OK
I would not be surprised if Troop B is broadcast on the Pryor site permanently. I know that it can be heard on the Muskogee and Bristow sites so it makes since that it be broadcast in Pryor if not the rest of the Troop L sites. You should also be able to hear Tulsa County Main Dispatch as well as the NE Regional and State Mutual Aid channels on any of the new sites.

It would also make since that the Vanita traffic would be broadcast on the Tulsa Towers on a full time basis. I say this because the Tulsa tower will help with Troop L coverage for Washington and Nowata counties.

The new Troop L towers must be working pretty good. Yesterday I was listening to an OHP pursuit that crossed over into Missouri and traveled down Highway 43 for about twenty minutes.


Dec 2, 2003
1 T19N R13E
I just got back from a personal field survey of the new sites. I heard plenty of activity on the Pryor site, Troop B, Troop L, Troop C, RMA, LifeFlight. But I didn't hear a peep out of the Vinita or Grove sites. Strong control channels, but no TGs.

Hab, I assume you were listening to that pursuit on the Grove site? If so, did you happen to make a note of the talk group number? And did you notice if the Troopers involved were regular road troopers or were they turnpike units?

On a side note, while I was out today, Arkansas had a pursuit that kept crossing back and forth over the state line around the Siloam area. On low-band, Vinita was 10-5ing the details to a OHP trooper who was trying to intercept. This perplexes and annoys me because I've always considered that Southern Delaware / Northern Adair County area to be a spooky low-band dead-zone. With the exception of coming up that big hill right at the end of Cherokee Tpk, I've never heard anything out of either Troop C or L in that part of the sate. I suppose the trick with VHF low really is have the perfectly tuned and mounted antenna. This incident also proves that as long as conditions are right, VHF low can reach places that 800 couldn't possibly.


Jan 21, 2006
There usually isn't a talkgroup "permanently" attached to a site. What would determine the activity is if there is a unit affiliated to that site such as when a unit from L comes down south far enough to get Tulsa as the strong vote for signal (Radio looks for strongest Control Channel).

For instance here in OKC we help cover areas of the NE area of Troop G and Troop Y Bailey. There isn't always traffic on the city site for them, however when one gets close enough the TG becomes active on the OKC site. There are apparently many times when there is traffic on the Chickasha site that does not occur on the OKC site since no one is close enough to affiliate.
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Aug 1, 2004
What freqscount says make good sense to me. However I always wondered what "triggers" the transmission of a talk group on a site within the DPS system. Does the site tramit ALL talk groups that the radio connected has access to or ONLY the talk group that they are currently tuned to? Does the radios "scan" talk groups or only monitor the channel tuned to. If they listen to multiple groups at once, you would think the site would have to transmit all groups they can listen to.

That brings up another point, does the Troop L units have Troop B channels programmed into their radios? If so that might answer why Troop B seems to be transmitted constantly on the Pryor site. How does Troop L communicate with Troop B on the 800 system?


Dec 6, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Chaos703 said:
I just got back from a personal field survey of the new sites. I heard plenty of activity on the Pryor site, Troop B, Troop L, Troop C, RMA, LifeFlight. But I didn't hear a peep out of the Vinita or Grove sites. Strong control channels, but no TGs.

Hab, I assume you were listening to that pursuit on the Grove site? If so, did you happen to make a note of the talk group number? And did you notice if the Troopers involved were regular road troopers or were they turnpike units?

On a side note, while I was out today, Arkansas had a pursuit that kept crossing back and forth over the state line around the Siloam area. On low-band, Vinita was 10-5ing the details to a OHP trooper who was trying to intercept. This perplexes and annoys me because I've always considered that Southern Delaware / Northern Adair County area to be a spooky low-band dead-zone. With the exception of coming up that big hill right at the end of Cherokee Tpk, I've never heard anything out of either Troop C or L in that part of the sate. I suppose the trick with VHF low really is have the perfectly tuned and mounted antenna. This incident also proves that as long as conditions are right, VHF low can reach places that 800 couldn't possibly.

I did a little drive of my own and came up with the following results:

Pryor – Site # 10 It appeared to be fully operational and tied to the State system. I was hearing both Troop B and Troop L traffic. It appeared to be a smooth transition from the Tulsa to Pryor site.

Vanita – Site # 15 It was site trunking and not connected to the State system. I heard what appeared to be Troop L dispatch talking to a field unit on either 27592 or 28112. It seems that they are using the Vanita tower in kind of a simplex mode even though it is not connected to the rest of the system.

Miami – Site # 17 (Control Channel 860.4375) Appeared to be fully operational and tied to the state system. I did not hear any traffic but was able to receive and transmit on the State and Regional Mutual channels. It does not appear that Troop B traffic is automatically linked to the Miami tower but only when it is affiliated with.

Grove – Site # 33 Appeared to be fully operational and tied to the State system. I did not hear any traffic but was again able to receive and transmit on the State and Regional Mutual aid channels.

I would bet that the all the Troop L sites will be linked before long. I know it is driving the dispatcher crazy trying to pay attention to two different bands. I heard her tell a unit today that they needed to switch back to the old system because she had too much other traffic to be able to monitor the 800 side.
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Dec 6, 2004
Tulsa, OK
xxxsandman said:
What freqscount says make good sense to me. However I always wondered what "triggers" the transmission of a talk group on a site within the DPS system. Does the site tramit ALL talk groups that the radio connected has access to or ONLY the talk group that they are currently tuned to? Does the radios "scan" talk groups or only monitor the channel tuned to. If they listen to multiple groups at once, you would think the site would have to transmit all groups they can listen to.

That brings up another point, does the Troop L units have Troop B channels programmed into their radios? If so that might answer why Troop B seems to be transmitted constantly on the Pryor site. How does Troop L communicate with Troop B on the 800 system?

You can think of the trunking radio system as kind of like a cell phone tower. As you are driving around your cell phone is searching for the strongest tower. Some talk groups (Mostly OPH and County main channels) are programmed to search for the strongest tower anywhere in the State. When they get close enough to another tower their radio affiliates with it thus making it work on what ever talk group they are on. So as a Troop B unit drives up the turnpike towards Missouri they continue to jump from tower to tower. When they hit that new tower everything they can hear we can hear.

As far as Troop L talking to Troop B I am sure they have each others channels programmed into their radios. Most radios assigned to agencies (City, County, and State) in this part of the state have all the OHP main dispatch channels programmed into them for mutual aid purposes.

I hope this answered some of your questions.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Matawan, NJ
I heard 44656 = OHP Troop L ch: L1 Main Dispatch on the Tulsa Site this morning around the Collinsville/Owasso Area.


Jan 21, 2006
When a subscriber unit is scanning they are only affiliated to the primary Talkgroup that they are on. If they are affiliated to DPS B and scanning DPS L in their radio they are only listening for troop L's TGid to come from the CC. They will not hear troop L unless someone is actually affiliated to that tower. When you scan you may have 15 TG's to scan but if only three have a person affiliated to that TG as it's primary you won't hear the other 12. Like if a Trp B guy is scanning Trp G he won't hear anything on G in the Tulsa area because all Trp G units are affiliated in the SW part of the state.

If he wants to hear both G and B he can if he affiliates to Trp G in Tulsa and scanned Trp B he would hear both because he is now aff to Troop G and Troop B has someone else affiliated with it.


Aug 1, 2004
How do they tell the system what talk group they are affiliated with? Is it hard programmed into the radio or is decided based on the talk group they are currently set to transmit on? I assume the radio is set to a single talk group at any given time to be the talk group they transmit on. Is that what determines their affiliation? Do they actually have to transmit on the talk group after they change to it to change their affiliation?

None of this is directly related to scanning, but I'm curious to know the inner workings of the system.

Also I wonder how the sites are all linked? Do they use Microwave or wireless of some type to link towers or is it done with Land line T1 type circuits?


Dec 14, 2001
Tulsa, OK and Wichita, KS
xxxsandman said:
How do they tell the system what talk group they are affiliated with? Is it hard programmed into the radio or is decided based on the talk group they are currently set to transmit on? I assume the radio is set to a single talk group at any given time to be the talk group they transmit on. Is that what determines their affiliation? Do they actually have to transmit on the talk group after they change to it to change their affiliation?

None of this is directly related to scanning, but I'm curious to know the inner workings of the system.

Also I wonder how the sites are all linked? Do they use Microwave or wireless of some type to link towers or is it done with Land line T1 type circuits?


May 7, 2005
peterjmag said:
Anyone hear any more traffic or confirm any? Thanks...


OHP troop b and l all the time, and some other sporadic usage, I have not been home much since they have been using it, whenever I am hearing it I am in the car and unable to look at the id's.


Dec 2, 2003
1 T19N R13E
I'm regularly hearing what we have listed in the data base as "Troop L." But based on the traffic I hear, I think they're all Turnpike units instead of Troop L proper. Hard to tell for sure since OHP has gotten into habit of just using a trooper's badge number for their designator instead of the troop association plus badge number (ie. "703" instead of "Baker 703").


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Matawan, NJ
I have heard traffic for the TG list in the database that work Troup L units that work Rogers County Area. Most recent was yesterday for a (3) vehicle MVA at SH66 x SH266. A Troup arrived on scene and asked Vinita if there was a Trouper assigend and enroute to work the wreck.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Dec 7, 2004
Elk City, Oklahoma
I'm hearing some traffic on baker peak. Mostly Comanche Fire. I understand that's going to be part of the 3 site multicast. Can't wait for more activity!



Jan 21, 2006
Hey Jim this thread is about the Vinita site mostly. Fire us upa thread on Mt. Baker so we can keep up with it separate. I am curious on how well it is doing and if there are any "new" agencies coming on board.


Aug 1, 2004
I believe the talk groups in the database are right. I've heard both of them refered to as L1 or L2 when switching between them. I know that several of the troopers are NOT on the turnpike when talking on L1, as they will give their 10-20 when doing a stop or getting out of their vehicle, etc. Maybe their is or will be another talk group assigned to the Will Rogers turnpike units? Nothing yet, as I haven't seen any new ID's.

Vinita Troop L dispatch is more active on the 800 system in the last week or so. Maybe the Vinita tower has been linked in?

OHP Troop B is very active on the Pryor site also.

Occasionally will get traffic from other agencies. RMA 2F comes to mind. Seems to be some special task force doing ops in the Tulsa area. Occasionally hear them.

Also hear one side of the Radio Tech's talking in digital, the other side is encrypted.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Matawan, NJ
Heard a Troop C Unit call Vinita asking for a 10-42 this evening. I did not catch the Trooper's location.
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