If you have a Radio Shack Pro96 lying in a drawer full of obsolete stuff, it's time to get it out. Hopefully there's no alkaline battery leakage. The advent of the new EMA (Johnson Blvd) TACN site in Cleveland means new life for the Pro96. All six of the Cleveland site's frequencies are within the Pro96 trunking range, and it appears that no Phase II modulation is in use. Simply program a bank using only the Cleveland site, using the Cleveland and Bradley County talk groups of your choice. Please do not misuse this information by programming up a Pro96 and selling it to some unsuspecting soul at an inflated price at the flea market, without mentioning its limited usefulness. There was enough of this foolishness in the final days before the Bradley County changeover to TACN. Instead, consider donating it to a police officer or firefighter whose family's scanner went silent with the changeover. It's a good opportunity to show our appreciation and give the hobby a good name.