New RISCON Statewide zone


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
I don't go where I can hear the system much but from brief monitoring and reading other posts it seems like it will be a statewide zone and primarily be used for RIPTA. I don't believe it is in full operation and only then will outsiders have a better idea of the plans.
Now, there are likely areas where this simulcast site will be stronger than the 4 older zones. Will a poor RSSI allow use of the 700? It is still phase 1 so not adding a huge increase in capacity.
My guess is the public safety wide area groups may be allowed on it but day to day PS operations will not
Putting RIPTA primarily on their own zone will improve capacity for the other zones but only once everything is finished


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
I have it programmed in DSD Plus Fastlane. There are 2 control channels and 2 voice channels. The only department using it right now is North Providence DPW. I have heard them on there a few times. I don't think it is here on RR to upload to your radios yet. I would guess they are waiting for it to get more populated. From what I have read this new zone will be for RIPTA and some other overflow. I live in Western Cranston and the 700 mhz signal is VERY STRONG here. And I am using an 800 Mhz 7 element yagi too. Not sure where the actual tower(s) is but its very strong here.