Yes I saw the park rangers, I also saw a lot of State Police talk groups and that's why I was asking you if you were patrolled by your own towns police or your county Police or the state police.
I looked up your county because that's what led me to the system. The database allows you to pick your county out by sight by clicking on it but I don't know Oklahoma so that's how I ended up in Carter County after looking it up on Google.
With the Statewide systems, local police often end up migrating to the Statewide systems. As I say your database information may not be even close to correct, not yet anyway.
People were talking about buying P2 simulcast radios. Not sure if that's relevant or not here as that's not in the database. Maybe it's for larger cities. I don't know the geography of Oklahoma any more than I do Beijing LOL. Carter County does have sites. Apparently sites are being shut down and being activated as we speak.
Does Healdton have its own Police Department? If so I did not see any old analog conventional frequencies for them which would lead me to think that they are migrated to the Statewide system even if that talk group isn't in the database available. I have no doubt that talk groups are missing in the database for the new P25 system.
I'm pretty good with this stuff and I noticed right away that the database didn't look right and didn't make sense to me. Do you have any major cities nearby? Maybe your hometown is involved in their system. Do you know if Carter County Sheriff's Department has their own conventional channels or are they involved in the Statewide system or a county system we don't know about. Fire dispatch is usually a County responsibility. Is Carter County a big County or is it more like Mayberry?
I'm at a great loss as to locations and their relationship to each other.
I just thought I would take a stab at it thinking maybe it would make sense and be easy to help you.
If it helps, if you put the systems in your radio as they stand in the database it very well might explain why you aren't hearing anything, it appears that the type II smartzone system is being slowly eliminated.
Try to find someone who lives near you on the State forum or someone who will steer you in the right direction for your county, my County is 650 square miles with a huge radio system of its own, your County may be very small.
Well I'm pretty tapped out here as far as what I can do for you but you are going to find out what's going on. Search Google for any questions you have and it'll direct you towards threads on RR and other boards. It also might direct you to State agencies that will explain the new radio system.
It's like being a detective. As I was saying you have a pretty good core of guys discussing it on the state system.