I also heard McCool say that (I was there also). It will present a problem for TAEMA. If they were really worried about it, I would think they would push for a permanent position (one to three authorized people) to be located in the dispatch center to be able to run TAEMA inquiries around. Does anybody know if the Tulsa dispatchers monitor any of the TAEMA talk groups? My guess is probably not. If there is going to be no link other than the phone between TAEMA and dispatch, there could be real problems during a civil defense emergency.
McCool struck me as being a nervous person, especially when I asked him the question of what to monitor for nuclear events. He seemed even more intense when I went up to discuss his answer with him when we all broke after his discussion. Perhaps TAEMA, like the rest of the country, is no longer prepared to handle nuclear attacks or nuclear fallout situations and he didn't like addressing the situation.
Did anyone else hear him say that the NWS weather alert system is replacing the Emergency Broadcast System? Can anyone else confirm that? I haven't had a chance to research it yet. As far as NWS putting out a nuke alert, they have no SAME code for nuclear attack being immanent. The local NWS office does (last I knew) have phones for FEMA calls (I saw them on the TRO tour a couple of years ago).
Sorry if I got this too far off topic.