Newbie AR8200 ?s

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Apr 17, 2004
I've owned an AR8200 for a couple of years now but I'm just now sitting down and learning its capabilities when it comes to monitoring HF. *blush* I know....

Anyway, when listening to USB, I've noticed to hear the voice clearly, I have to slightly offset the frequency. For instance, if I want to listen to 8.864 in USB, I actually have to set the frequency to 8.8634. Is this the correct/preferred way to do this? I've noticed if I switch the mode to CW from USB, I can understand the voice more clearly when sitting right on the frequency but actually switching to USB and adjusting the frequency down produces the best results.

I'm moving soon so I've taken down my longwire and I'm stuck listening to HF using the telescoping whip antenna. Ugh. Anyway, does anyone know where in the AR8200 manual the section on adjusting the length of the telescoping whip for the desired frequency is shown? I'm actually not getting bad reception with this setup; I snagged RAF VOLMET on 5.450 last night using it and AIR Vividh Bharati service on 9.870 last night as well in AM. And, Radio Australia comes booming in on 9.580 in the local morning.

I've got it scanning a couple of banks of HF freqs now. Pretty darn slick. Love that capability! When I set up a scan group using two banks, A and B, there seems to be a slight delay when the radio switches between banks. Is there anything I can do to eliminate that delay?

I'd like to optimized my experience if I can and I'd appreciate any other advice anyone has for using the AR8200 to monitor HF. Thanks in advance!


Nov 30, 2006
aor 8200

Q Anyway, does anyone know where in the AR8200 manual the section on adjusting the length of the telescoping whip for the desired frequency is shown?
A the telescoping whip will have to be fully extended for best hf reception,best thing is to string a long wire round the room if you can't or have no out side antenna,if you use insulated wire then wrap this around you tele whip you get the signal with out to much static or over load .or seach the net for antenna calculator but you whip will only be good for some freq's as it will be to short to adjust to a quarter length antenna
This is to the best of my knowledge pls correct me if i am wrong

from burts
pass on the scan band change thing


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2004
Somewhere in Time....
No were in the manual does it tell you what length is optimum for what frequency range. I emailed AOR several years ago with this query. They responded by telling me that they had no idea and that I should have it fully extended all the time. That simply is not correct!

I am sure the antenna is toll manufactured for them. If someone knew by whom it may be easier to get an answer.


Jan 24, 2004
I've owned an AR8200 for a couple of years now but I'm just now sitting down and learning its capabilities when it comes to monitoring HF. *blush* I know....

Anyway, when listening to USB, I've noticed to hear the voice clearly, I have to slightly offset the frequency. For instance, if I want to listen to 8.864 in USB, I actually have to set the frequency to 8.8634. Is this the correct/preferred way to do this? I've noticed if I switch the mode to CW from USB, I can understand the voice more clearly when sitting right on the frequency but actually switching to USB and adjusting the frequency down produces the best results.

Stick with whatever gives you the best results. The 'best' in radio is what >you< find to be the best not what someone like me on a bulletin board says is best!

I'm moving soon so I've taken down my longwire and I'm stuck listening to HF using the telescoping whip antenna. Ugh. Anyway, does anyone know where in the AR8200 manual the section on adjusting the length of the telescoping whip for the desired frequency is shown? I'm actually not getting bad reception with this setup; I snagged RAF VOLMET on 5.450 last night using it and AIR Vividh Bharati service on 9.870 last night as well in AM. And, Radio Australia comes booming in on 9.580 in the local morning.

The telescopic aerial is designed for VHF/UHF reception not for HF. The best length is likely to be wity it fully extended but even then it's really too short for HF. A crocodile clip and a few feet of bell wire attacched to the end of the telescopic will likely give an improved reception.

I've got it scanning a couple of banks of HF freqs now. Pretty darn slick. Love that capability! When I set up a scan group using two banks, A and B, there seems to be a slight delay when the radio switches between banks. Is there anything I can do to eliminate that delay?

Ensure you have at least one frequency stored in each memory bank. The firmware in the 8200 seems to check each bank whether in use or not. It takes longer to check if the bank is completely empty. This is has been mentioned a lot since the original AR8200 was released.


Database Admin
Jan 11, 2003
Beckley, WV
If I recall this right for that antenna you have it would be 1/4 wave antenna= 2808/Frequency (Mzh)=inches 2808/15.353 Mhz = 182.859 inches or 15.241 ft, and if I change from 1/4 to a 1/2 then I just times it by 2 (.25*2=.5) 1/2wave then 15.241 x 2 = 30.48 feet.


Apr 17, 2004
Is anyone using an unmodified, out-of-the-box 8200 to decode ALE? I've noticed there's a lot of ALE on the HF freqs I monitor.

If you are using it to decode ALE, what kind of setup (cable/dongle, software, etc.) are you using? Which port on the 8200 are you using to send the output to the computer?

Thanks, as always, to all who replied! You've been very very helpful!
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