Guys, I am taking a trip in a couple days from NJ up to ME, with a stopover in Nashua. I was wondering if anyone knew the car to car frequency for the State Police, I saw a possibility of 159.315 in the database. Anyone know if that is accurate and/or have a NAC they use?
What are the best SP freqs to listen to on I-95?
The NH "Car to Car" is an analog channel 155.475 PL 136.5...
NHSP ASTRO channels are as follows...
NHSP - A 151.4000 826
NHSP - B 154.9350 826
NHSP - C 154.6650 826
NHSP - D 156.2100 826
NHSP - F 152.6300 852 (Cannon Mtn. & Mt. Washington)
NHSP - F 154.6800 852 ("M" - Moose Mtn, Milan, Manns Hill)
NHSP - F 154.9200 852 (Tenney Mtn.)
NHSP - F ???.????? 852? (Holden Hill)
TALK-1 159.3150 293
The Troopers also use the direct feature on their radio to transmit car-to-car on the troop channels output frequency.
Interstate 95 should be Troop-A.