Recently picked up a Nissan Frontier. I'm in the process of installing radios. Right now I kinda just "thrown" in a 110 Watt UHF MCS2000 that I use for 70cm ham and for the fire dept. A more complete install is going to be done. I have a Yaesu FT8800 that is going in at a later date. Do not mind the mag mount, that is just temporary until I get everything in. Two holes will be drilled for NMO mounts.
IMG_20180925_174510415 by Scott Holmes, on Flickr
IMG_20180925_174416142_HDR by Scott Holmes, on Flickr
IMG_20180925_174510415 by Scott Holmes, on Flickr
IMG_20180925_174416142_HDR by Scott Holmes, on Flickr