System Name: | New Jersey Interoperability Communications System (NJICS) |
System Type: | Project 25 Phase II |
that means phase 2.
FDMA or TDMA (or DDM if so equipped, which the NJICS is) is determined at the
talkgroup level, not the system level. There are still a few dozen talkgroups on the NJICS that operate partially or primarily in FDMA mode on a daily basis due to older non-TDMA capable subscribers still in use. Despite the fact that the NJSP is almost exclusively TDMA, every now and again a NJSP talkgroup falls back to FDMA mode for a bit.
So aside from the point that blanket statements aren't helpful, the end result in this case specific to the NJSP talkgroup is that no, your old XTS/XTL eBay special isn't going to receive them for all intents and purposes. Unless you count 50 out of thousands of transmissions per month.